如何同步位于同一块但在 cuda c/c++ 中执行不同操作的线程?

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我是一名四年级大学生,正在从事并行计算课程项目。在选择正确的算法来展示 GPU 性能与其顺序对应的性能比较方面,我做出了一个非常错误的决定。我选择的是Bat优化算法,并行化如下: 线程0:负责计算平均值并通过更新标志来应用停止标准。 所有其他线程:更新蝙蝠种群的一代/迭代中每个蝙蝠的每个属性。 先看代码:

__device__ void startAlgo(Bat *bats, int N, unsigned long long seed){
    __shared__ float global_best_fitness;
    __shared__ float average_best_position_of_batSwarm;
    __shared__ float global_best_position;
    curandState *state = new curandState;  // Should ideally be per-thread and persistent, not recreated in a loop

    // Initialize random states once per thread
    int idx = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
    if (idx < N) {
        curand_init(seed, idx, 0, state); 

    if(threadIdx.x == 0){
            setGlobalandAverage(bats, N, global_best_fitness, global_best_position, average_best_position_of_batSwarm);        
            printf("Average personal best position: %f\n",average_best_position_of_batSwarm);
            float prev_avg = average_best_position_of_batSwarm;
            CalculateFitnessAverage(bats, N, average_best_position_of_batSwarm);
            ApplyStoppingCriteria(prev_avg, average_best_position_of_batSwarm);
        //    syncThreads();  // Synchronize after potentially modifying stopFlag or other shared variables
    } else {
        while(!stopFlag){  // Ensure this check is dynamic

            for(int i = threadIdx.x; i < N; i += blockDim.x * gridDim.x){  // Distribute work more evenly
                performWork(&bats[i], global_best_position, state);
                        printf("id: %d, v: %f, p: %f, f: %f, l: %f, pr: %f, fit: %f, pbfit: %f, pbp: %f\n",i,bats[i].velocity,bats[i].position,bats[i].frequency,bats[i].loudness,bats[i].pulse_rate,bats[i].fitness,bats[i].personal_best_fitness,bats[i].personal_best_position);

            __syncthreads();  // Sync all threads to recheck the stopping flag

    delete state;  // Clean up the state


我已经确认每个线程确实进入了该函数,但发生的情况是只有线程 0 在循环中执行其工作,并且由于 Bat 群体中没有更新,因此程序停止。我还确认它与线程 0 首先启动或类似的事实无关。我什至尝试添加一个 spinwait 机制来检查其余线程是否至少开始执行一次工作,但没有成功。我意识到可能有很多菜鸟错误,但由于我在 Windows 上,我无法调试 cuda 程序。

c++ cuda gpu nvidia thread-synchronization

如果您没有调试器,只需插入大量打印语句,这将允许您查看代码到达的位置。 打印语句的结构如下:

#define print(format, ...) do { printf("c T:%02i W:%02i B:%02i Line:%4i " format "", ThreadId(), WarpId(), blockIdx.x, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__); } while (0)



NVidia GPU 确实不喜欢低于扭曲级别的线程分歧。为了获得最佳性能,warp 中的所有线程都需要执行相同的代码。或者至少扭曲中的单个线程需要执行,而其余线程则不执行任何操作。这比在 warp 中使用 2 个(或更多)线程执行不同的操作要高效得多。
同样在 Pascal 上,warp 中的线程以 lockstep 执行之前,因此如果一个线程执行


如果执行一个扭曲中的线程发散的循环,则会得到非常低效的代码。您也可能会陷入僵局。在 Volta 及更高版本上,您不会遇到死锁,但仍然会效率低下,因为线程调度程序仅与 Pascal 略有不同,并且不会在同一周期内向同一经束中的线程发出不同的指令。


//init the RNG outside of the main loop
template <int blocksize> //make blocksize a compile time constant
__device__ void startAlgo(Bat *bats, int N, unsigned long long seed, curandState* state) {
    __shared__ float global_best_fitness;
    __shared__ float average_best_position_of_batSwarm;
    __shared__ float global_best_position;
    __shared__ volatile int stopFlag;
    stopFlag = 0;
    static_assert(blocksize > 32);
    assert(blocksize == blockDim.x);
    //assert(__isShared(state)); //perhaps store RNG in shared mem for speed?

    // Initialize random states once per thread
    const int idx = threadIdx.x; // + blockIdx.x * blocksize; //surely there is only one block?
    const int idx2 = idx - 32; //split this block in two
    const int blockDim2 = blocksize - 32;
    if (idx < N) {
        curand_init(seed, idx, 0, state); 
    const int warpid = threadIdx.x % 32; //warp0 does the avg, other warps do work.
    if (warpid == 0) { //on K1000 only warps can execute different paths efficiently.
        setGlobalandAverage(bats, N, global_best_fitness, global_best_position, average_best_position_of_batSwarm);        
        while (!stopFlag) {
            printf("Average personal best position: %f\n",average_best_position_of_batSwarm);
            float prev_avg = average_best_position_of_batSwarm;
            CalculateFitnessAverage(bats, N, average_best_position_of_batSwarm);
            const bool done = ApplyStoppingCriteria(prev_avg, average_best_position_of_batSwarm);
            if (done) { atomicOr(&stopFlag, 1); } 
        } //while !done
    } else {
        assert(warpid > 0);
        while (!stopFlag){  // Ensure this check is dynamic

            for(int i = idx2; i < N; i += blockDim2) {  // Distribute work more evenly
                performWork(&bats[i], global_best_position, state, idx2); //to avoid having to recalc idx2
                        printf("id: %d, v: %f, p: %f, f: %f, l: %f, pr: %f, fit: %f, pbfit: %f, pbp: %f\n",i,bats[i].velocity,bats[i].position,bats[i].frequency,bats[i].loudness,bats[i].pulse_rate,bats[i].fitness,bats[i].personal_best_fitness,bats[i].personal_best_position);

            //__syncthreads();  // Sync all threads to recheck the stopping flag
        } //while !done
    } //if !warp0
    __syncthreads(); //now you can call synthreads, because all threads meet up here

    delete state;  // Clean up the state



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