我正在寻找一种快速方法来同时从 pytorch 张量中删除行和列。令
为形状为 [l,l
] 的方形 2D 张量。这个问题与这个问题类似,但是这个问题涉及沿单个维度的删除。我想要的操作可以通过以下方式实现:
# index to delete
idx = 499
keep = [_ for _ in range(l)]
t = t[keep,:][:,keep]
# t now has dimension [l-1,l-1]
但这非常慢(列表索引不是张量视图操作,索引分两部分完成)。 谁能推荐一个更快的方法吗?
# Double index with a list
import torch
import time
l = 8000
iterations = 500
idx = 599
t = torch.rand([l,l])
# test 1 - double list index
keep = [_ for _ in range(l)]
total = 0
for i in range(iterations):
start = time.time()
t2 = t[keep,:][:,keep]
elapsed = time.time() - start
total += elapsed
print("Took {:.1f}s for {} iterations, {}s/it".format(total,iterations,total/iterations))
# Double index with a tensor
(marginally faster in some cases than the above but both are non-contiguous memory operations)
# test 2 - double tensor index
keep = torch.tensor(keep)
total = 0
for i in range(iterations):
start = time.time()
t2 = t[keep,:][:,keep]
elapsed = time.time() - start
total += elapsed
print("Took {:.1f}s for {} iterations, {}s/it".format(total,iterations,total/iterations))
# Concatenation
# test 3 - concat_based approach
total = 0
for i in range(iterations):
start = time.time()
t2 = torch.cat([torch.cat([t[:idx,:idx],t[idx+1:,:idx]],dim = 0),torch.cat([t[:idx,idx+1:],t[idx+1:,idx+1:]],dim = 0)],dim = 1)
elapsed = time.time() - start
total += elapsed
print("Took {:.1f}s for {} iterations, {}s/it".format(total,iterations,total/iterations))
# Shift and delete the last row/column
(which is a traditional indexing op that's fast but requires cloning `t`). This and the above approach are the fastest but don't scale nicely with having more than one row/column to delete (requiring either to do the deletions one at a time or else nest a conditional block for each possible variable number of deletions).
# test 4 - shift and remove end approach
total = 0
for i in range(iterations):
t2 = torch.clone(t)
start = time.time()
t2[idx:-1,:] = t[idx+1:,:]
t2[:,idx:-1] = t[:,idx+1:]
t2 = t2[:-1,:-1]
elapsed = time.time() - start
total += elapsed
print("Took {:.1f}s for {} iterations, {}s/it".format(total,iterations,total/iterations))
# Flatten into a 1D array for single indexing
total = 0
for i in range(iterations):
start = time.time()
o = torch.ones(t.shape,dtype = int)
o[:,idx] = 0
o[idx,:] = 0
o = o.view(-1).nonzero().squeeze(1)
t2 = t.view(-1)[o].view(l-1,l-1)
elapsed = time.time() - start
total += elapsed
print("Took {:.1f}s for {} iterations, {}s/it".format(total,iterations,total/iterations))
# 2D boolean mask indexing
(under the hood this seems to be roughly the same as the above and requires a reshaping `view` operation at the end as well (and the time taken is about the same)
total = 0
for i in range(iterations):
o = torch.ones(t.shape,dtype = bool)
start = time.time()
o[:,idx] = 0
o[idx,:] = 0
t2 = t[o].view(l-1,l-1)
elapsed = time.time() - start
total += elapsed
print("Took {:.1f}s for {} iterations, {}s/it".format(total,iterations,total/iterations))
你可以尝试以下方法吗?它与选项 4 类似,但速度应该稍快一些,因为复制次数较少,并且在开始时分配了确切的内存量。 顺序(左->右上->下)也应该是最适合缓存的。
我认为使用 Pytorch 的高级 API 不会比现有的速度更快。进一步的优化可能需要修改复制内核本身以改善读/写操作的顺序
H,W = t.shape
# Empty initialization, just a memory alloc
t2 = torch.empty(H-1, W-1)
# top-left block
t2[:idx, :idx] = t[:idx; :idx]
# top-right block
t2[:idx, idx:] = t[:idx, idx+1:]
# bottom-left block
t2[idx:, :idx] = t[idx+1:, :idx]
# bottom-right block
t2[idx:, idx:] = t[idx+1:, idx+1:]
我同意,如果您有很多索引需要删除,它的扩展性就不好。但是在这种情况下,我认为您可以保留此块分解结构,并在此代码周围有两个简单的 for 循环来循环索引并按正确的顺序复制块