将图像读取到预先分配的 numpy 数组

问题描述 投票:0回答:2

我正在 Python 中进行一些fast图像处理(使用 Numpy/Scipy + OpenCV)。 有几千张形状完全相同的图像 - 一旦我读到第一张图像,我就确切地知道所有其他图像会是什么样子。


cv2.imdecode 在 C++ 中可以接受指向预分配 Mat 的指针,但它似乎没有 Python 绑定(唯一的选择是返回一个全新的数组)。

我需要这个来进行多重处理 - 我想将图像读入共享内存,然后在工作进程中对它们进行一些繁重的工作。现在,我被迫将

cv2.imread 分配和返回的数组中的数据复制到共享内存中,这又需要时间。我希望能够直接在那里写信。

python numpy opencv

import argparse from contextlib import contextmanager from multiprocessing import JoinableQueue, Process from multiprocessing.shared_memory import SharedMemory from pathlib import Path import cv2 import numpy as np @contextmanager def video_capture_context(videopath: str): video_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(videopath, cv2.CAP_ANY) try: yield video_capture finally: video_capture.release() def _vid_reader( videopath: Path, shared_memory_name: str, output_queue: JoinableQueue, ): with video_capture_context(str(videopath)) as video_capture: fps = float(video_capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)) x = cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH y = cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT frame_no = 0 frame_time = 0.0 shared_memory = None shared_array = None sucess = True while sucess: # first frame is read without shared memory sucess, frame = video_capture.read(shared_array) if sucess: if frame is not None and shared_memory is None: # create the shared memory _after_ reading the first frame # so we know how much shared memory we need shared_memory = SharedMemory(name=shared_memory_name, create=True, size=frame.nbytes) shared_array = np.ndarray(frame.shape, dtype=frame.dtype, buffer=shared_memory.buf) shared_array[:] = frame[:] output_queue.put((frame_no, frame_time, frame.shape, frame.dtype)) # wait for the queue to be read from output_queue.join() # move on to next frame frame_no += 1 frame_time = frame_no / fps # put the sentinel into the queue output_queue.put(None) # wait for the sentinel to be read # otherwise shared memory of the last frame will close too soon output_queue.join() shared_memory.close() shared_memory.unlink() def _vid_saver( shared_memory_name: str, output_queue: JoinableQueue, ): shared_memory = None shared_array = None # get things in the queue until the sentinel while item := output_queue.get(): frame_no, frame_time, shape, dtype = item if not shared_memory: shared_memory = SharedMemory(name=shared_memory_name, create=False) shared_array = np.ndarray(shape, dtype=dtype, buffer=shared_memory.buf) print(frame_no) print(shared_memory.buf) print(shared_array.sum()) output_queue.task_done() shared_memory.close() # say we've processed the sentinel output_queue.task_done() if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("filename") args = parser.parse_args() queue_reader = JoinableQueue(1) p_reader = Process( target=_vid_reader, args=(Path(args.filename), "frame", queue_reader), ) p_printer = Process(target=_vid_saver, args=("frame", queue_reader)) p_reader.start() p_printer.start() p_printer.join() p_reader.join()




height, width = (50, 50) image = np.zeros((height, width)) id(image) # outputs: 140411457307552 image[:, :] = np.ones((height, width)) id(image) # outputs: 140411457307552 image = np.ones((height, width)) id(image) # outputs -> 140411437723280 # when reading from disk (assuming your images are 50x50 pixels) image[:, :] = cv2.imread("/home/.../your_im_50x50.png")

通过解决每个图像的尺寸,Python 将尝试将给定的数组存储到现有的数组中。这会导致内存分配到预分配的内存区域。如果数组没有相同的形状,则会引发 ValueError。 当仅提及变量名时,会创建对数组的新引用,从而在内存中产生一个新对象(cf ids)

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