切换按钮,它是一个后台作业,可以像一个可以打开和关闭的开关,允许 Generate-SummaryReports-CalculateAtIntervals
像后台应用程序一样运行,但它仍然可以允许用户执行以下操作但目前我面临的问题是无论我如何触发Function Toggle-ReportGeneration
运行,但它会显示"Report generation is now turned ON.1"
和"Report generation is now turned ON.3"
$global:reportGenerationEnabled = $false
$global:reportJob = $null
# Function to toggle report generation on or off
Function Toggle-ReportGeneration {
# Invert the current state of reportGenerationEnabled
$global:reportGenerationEnabled = -not $global:reportGenerationEnabled
if ($global:reportGenerationEnabled) {
if ($global:reportJob -eq $null -or $global:reportJob.State -eq 'Completed') {
Write-Host "Report generation is now turned ON.1"
# If report generation is turned on, start the background job
$global:reportJob = Start-Job -ScriptBlock {
# Call the function directly within the background job
while ($global:reportGenerationEnabled) {
Generate-SummaryReports-CalculateAtIntervals -baselineFilePath $baselineFilePath
Write-Host "Report generation is now turned ON.2"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 # Add a delay to prevent the loop from running too quickly
} -ArgumentList $global:baselineFilePath
# Display the message outside the background job's script block
Write-Host "Report generation is now turned ON.3"
} else {
Write-Host "Report generation is already running."
} else {
Write-Host "Report generation is now turned OFF."
# If report generation is turned off, stop the background job
if ($global:reportJob -ne $null) {
$global:reportJob | Stop-Job -PassThru | Remove-Job
$global:reportJob = $null
Function Generate-SummaryReports-CalculateAtIntervals {
param (
[int]$lowSensitivityInterval = 15, # Time interval for low sensitivity in seconds
[int]$mediumSensitivityInterval = 10, # Time interval for medium sensitivity in seconds
[int]$highSensitivityInterval = 5 # Time interval for high sensitivity in seconds
Write-Host "Inside Generate-SummaryReports-CalculateAtIntervals function"
# Define start time
$startTime = Get-Date
Write-host "1"
# Infinite loop for continuous background job
while ($true) {
$currentTime = Get-Date
# Calculate elapsed time since start
$elapsedTime = $currentTime - $startTime
# Calculate the number of intervals completed for each sensitivity level
$lowIntervalsCompleted = [math]::Floor($elapsedTime.TotalSeconds / $lowSensitivityInterval)
$mediumIntervalsCompleted = [math]::Floor($elapsedTime.TotalSeconds / $mediumSensitivityInterval)
$highIntervalsCompleted = [math]::Floor($elapsedTime.TotalSeconds / $highSensitivityInterval)
# Calculate the next scheduled time for each sensitivity level
$nextLowReportTime = $startTime.AddSeconds(($lowIntervalsCompleted + 1) * $lowSensitivityInterval)
$nextMediumReportTime = $startTime.AddSeconds(($mediumIntervalsCompleted + 1) * $mediumSensitivityInterval)
$nextHighReportTime = $startTime.AddSeconds(($highIntervalsCompleted + 1) * $highSensitivityInterval)
# Find the next earliest report time
$nextReportTime = $nextLowReportTime
if ($nextMediumReportTime -lt $nextReportTime) {
$nextReportTime = $nextMediumReportTime
if ($nextHighReportTime -lt $nextReportTime) {
$nextReportTime = $nextHighReportTime
# Wait until the next report time for the earliest sensitivity level
$waitTime = $nextReportTime - $currentTime
if ($waitTime.TotalMilliseconds -gt 0) {
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $waitTime.TotalMilliseconds
# Generate summary report for the sensitivity level that has reached its interval
if ($nextReportTime -eq $nextLowReportTime) {
# Log the start of the report generation
Write-Output "Generating Low sensitivity summary report at $(Get-Date)" | Out-File -Append -FilePath "summary_reports.log"
Generate-SummaryReport-AtIntervals -baselineFilePath $baselineFilePath -sensitivity "Low"
# Log the completion of the report generation
Write-Output "Low sensitivity summary report generation complete at $(Get-Date)" | Out-File -Append -FilePath "summary_reports.log"
if ($nextReportTime -eq $nextMediumReportTime) {
# Log the start of the report generation
Write-Output "Generating Medium sensitivity summary report at $(Get-Date)" | Out-File -Append -FilePath "summary_reports.log"
Generate-SummaryReport-AtIntervals -baselineFilePath $baselineFilePath -sensitivity "Medium"
# Log the completion of the report generation
Write-Output "Medium sensitivity summary report generation complete at $(Get-Date)" | Out-File -Append -FilePath "summary_reports.log"
if ($nextReportTime -eq $nextHighReportTime) {
# Log the start of the report generation
Write-Output "Generating High sensitivity summary report at $(Get-Date)" | Out-File -Append -FilePath "summary_reports.log"
Generate-SummaryReport-AtIntervals -baselineFilePath $baselineFilePath -sensitivity "High"
# Log the completion of the report generation
Write-Output "High sensitivity summary report generation complete at $(Get-Date)" | Out-File -Append -FilePath "summary_reports.log"
,作业不在进程中,因此,不可能看到 $global:reportGenerationEnabled
被更新以停止该 while
循环。下一个问题是,由于前面提到的内容,作业永远不会知道 Generate-SummaryReports-CalculateAtIntervals
或 Generate-SummaryReport-AtIntervals
是什么。您可以使用 runspace
$iss = [initialsessionstate]::CreateDefault2()
'definition for the function here'))
'definition for the function here'))
内) ).
$script:reportGenerationEnabled = [System.Threading.ManualResetEventSlim]::new()
$script:reportJob = $null
# Function to toggle report generation on or off
function Toggle-ReportGeneration {
# Invert the current state of reportGenerationEnabled
if (-not $script:reportGenerationEnabled.IsSet) {
else {
if ($script:reportGenerationEnabled.IsSet) {
if (-not $script:reportJob -or $script:reportJob.iasyncresult.IsCompleted) {
Write-Host 'Report generation is now turned ON.1'
$iss = [initialsessionstate]::CreateDefault2()
'definition for the function here'))
'definition for the function here'))
$rs = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace($Host, $iss)
$rs.SessionStateProxy.SetVariable('reportGenerationEnabled', $script:reportGenerationEnabled)
$ps = [powershell]::Create().AddScript{
# Call the function directly within the background job
while ($reportGenerationEnabled.IsSet) {
Get-Random # some output data for testing
Write-Host 'Report generation is now turned ON.2'
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 # Add a delay to prevent the loop from running too quickly
}.AddParameter('baselineFilePath', $script:baselineFilePath)
$ps.Runspace = $rs
$script:reportJob = @{
instance = $ps
iasyncresult = $ps.BeginInvoke()
# Display the message outside the background job's script block
Write-Host 'Report generation is now turned ON.3'
else {
Write-Host 'Report generation is already running.'
else {
Write-Host 'Report generation is now turned OFF.'
# If report generation is turned off, stop the background job
if ($script:reportJob) {
try {
if ($reportJob.instance.HadErrors) {
foreach ($e in $reportJob.instance.Streams.Error) {
Write-Error $e
$script:reportJob = $null
finally {
if ($rs) { $rs.Dispose() }
if ($ps) { $ps.Dispose() }