想用pandas的ploty技术执行for循环显示多张图,但是显示的时候有问题。这仅显示第一条曲线,其他曲线为空。所以我不知道该怎么做,因为我是新手。 这是实现所有情节的代码。
import pandas as pd
from typing import Any
from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import plotly.express as px
import random
df = pd.read_csv('data/compute30m_cumulate.csv')
def preprocessing(sdf: Any)-> pd.DataFrame:
description: data preprocessing for display stacked bar diagram
sdf (DataFrame): a spark dataframe
dfp (DataFrame): pandas DataFrame preprocessing
dfp = sdf .toPandas()
dfp = dfp.rename(columns={"deviceId": "building"})
dfp.loc[:, 'time'] = pd.to_datetime(dfp.loc[:, 'time'])
dfp.time = dfp.time.dt.date
return dfp
def get_cumulate_data_by_measure_period(dfp: pd.DataFrame, measure: str, period: str)->pd.DataFrame:
description: get cumulate data by measure and period
dfp (DataFrame): a pandas dataframe
measure (str): a measure we want to obtain data
period (str): a period we want to obtain data
dfp (DataFrame): pandas DataFrame preprocessing
dfp = dfp[dfp.measure == measure]
if period == '1Y':
return dfp[dfp.cumul_measure.str.contains('YEARLY')]
elif period == '1M':
the_date = date(date.today().year, date.today().month-2, date.today().day)
return dfp[(dfp["cumul_measure"].str.contains('MONTHLY')) & (dfp.time > the_date)]
elif period == '1D':
the_date = date.today() - timedelta(30)
return dfp[(dfp["cumul_measure"].str.contains('DAILY')) & (dfp.time > the_date)]
def plot_timeseries_bar(dfp: pd.DataFrame, _x: str, _y: str, _color: str, _title: str, _text_auto: bool = True):
description: plot barplot timeseries
dfp (pd.DataFrame): a pandas DataFrame by measure and period
_x (str): a col name that represent x axis
_y (str) : a col name that represent y axis
_color (str): a col name for color ex: color="building"
_title (str): a title of diagram
_text_auto (bool): indication of value in the bar diagram
n = random.randint(50, 100)
fig_n = px.bar(dfp, x=_x, y=_y, color=_color, title=_title, text_auto=_text_auto)
def _titles(period: str) -> str:
"""format title by period"""
if period == "1D":
p = "daily"
elif period == "1M":
p = "monthly"
elif period == "1Y":
p = "yearly"
return p
def _titles(period: str) -> str:
"""format title by period"""
if period == "1D":
p = "daily"
elif period == "1M":
p = "monthly"
elif period == "1Y":
p = "yearly"
return p
def generate_diagrams(sdf: Any) -> None:
periods = ["1D", "1M", "1Y"]
measures = [
dfp = preprocessing(sdf)
for measure in measures:
for period in periods:
dfp = get_cumulate_data_by_measure_period(dfp, measure, period)
plot_timeseries_bar(dfp, "time", _y="cumul_by_period", _color="building", _title=f"{measure} cumulated by {_titles(period)}", _text_auto = True)
但这只是 cumul co2 的图的结果。我不明白为什么其他情节没有出现。