这是我第一次进行逻辑回归,我目前正在尝试自学如何找到优势比。我从 r 中得到了系数,如下所示。
(Intercept) totalmins
0.2239254 1.2424020
exp1.242/exp1.242+1 = 0.77
检测 - 如果在现场检测到动物,则为 1/0 数据
glm(formula = detection ~ totalmins, family = binomial(link = "logit"),
data = data)
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-2.81040 -0.63571 0.00972 0.37355 1.16771
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -1.49644 0.81818 -1.829 0.0674 .
totalmins 0.21705 0.08565 2.534 0.0113
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
Null deviance: 41.194 on 33 degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 21.831 on 32 degrees of freedom
(1 observation deleted due to missingness)
AIC: 25.831
Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 8
log odds(animal detected | time on site) = -1.49644 + 0.21705 * minutes animal on site
odds(animal detected) = exp(-1.49644) * exp(0.21705 * minutes animal on site)
因此,如果动物在现场停留 0 分钟,检测到的几率为 e(-1.49644) 或 0.2239。如果动物在现场 X 分钟,则检测到的优势比计算如下。我们将对 0 到 10 分钟的优势比进行建模,并计算相关的检测概率。
# odds of detection if animal on site for X minutes
coef_df <- data.frame(intercept=rep(-1.49644,11),
coef_df$minuteValue <- coef_df$minutesOnSite * coef_df$slopeMinutes
coef_df$intercept_exp <- exp(coef_df$intercept)
coef_df$slope_exp <- exp(coef_df$minuteValue)
coef_df$odds <- coef_df$intercept_exp * coef_df$slope_exp
coef_df$probability <- coef_df$odds / (1 + coef_df$odds)
> coef_df[,c(3:4,6:8)]
minutesOnSite intercept_exp slope_exp odds probability
1 0 0.2239 1.000 0.2239 0.1830
2 1 0.2239 1.242 0.2782 0.2177
3 2 0.2239 1.544 0.3456 0.2569
4 3 0.2239 1.918 0.4294 0.3004
5 4 0.2239 2.383 0.5335 0.3479
6 5 0.2239 2.960 0.6629 0.3986
7 6 0.2239 3.678 0.8235 0.4516
8 7 0.2239 4.569 1.0232 0.5057
9 8 0.2239 5.677 1.2712 0.5597
10 9 0.2239 7.053 1.5793 0.6123
11 10 0.2239 8.763 1.9622 0.6624
另请参阅如何从 GLM 输出中获取概率,了解使用 MASS 包中的航天飞机自动着陆器数据的另一个示例。