
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


rooms = {
    'Entrance': {'west': 'Catacombs A', 'north': 'Main Hall'},
    'Catacombs A': {'east': 'Entrance', 'item': 'Lesser Artifact'},
    'Main Hall': {'north': 'Great Hall', 'east': 'Catacombs B', 'south': 'Entrance', 'west': 'Necron Tomb',
                  'item': 'Dog Tags'},
    'Necron Tomb': {'east': 'Main Hall', 'item': 'Supplies'},
    'Catacombs B': {'west': 'Main Hall', 'north': 'Storage Room', 'item': 'Lesser Artifact'},
    'Storage Room': {'south': 'Catacombs B', 'item': 'Supplies'},
    'Great Hall': {'east': 'Repair Hub', 'south': 'Main Hall', 'item': 'Dog Tags'},
    'Repair Hub': {'west': 'Great Hall', 'item': 'Necron Lord'}  # Villain

current_room = 'Entrance'
inventory = []

print('You are a member of a squad of Ultramarines that has been tasked with retrieving 6 items from a '
      'Necron facility on the orbiting planet before reaching the Necron Lord. You and your brothers breach the entrance, which way do you go first?')

def move_rooms(current_room, directions):
    current_room = rooms[current_room]
    new_room = current_room[directions]
    return new_room

while True:
    print('You are in the', current_room)
    directions = input('Enter a direction: north, east, south, west, get item, or exit.')
    if directions in rooms[current_room]:
        current_room = move_rooms(current_room, directions)
    if directions == 'exit':
        print('You have failed the Emperor and your brothers...')
    elif directions not in rooms[current_room]:
        print('You cannot go that way.')


def get_item(item, inventory):
    if item in current_room:
        return inventory

Python 给了我一个错误,并要求定义项目,即使它在我的房间字典中。我对 python 很陌生,所以我很挣扎,任何帮助将不胜感激!


检查您是否为 get_item 函数提供了正确的输入,以及变量 item 是否以列表形式给出。我认为 items 被用作“rooms”字典中的字符串,但它在定义函数中被索引为列表。 (问题以斜体显示)

def get_item(物品, 库存): 如果当前房间中有物品: inventory.append(item[current_room]) 退货库存

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