如何通过透视移动我的 3D 立方体?
我已经有了光线投射和检查设置...我什至可以移动我的立方体,但对我来说问题是立方体移动得太快。我的屏幕是 800x800,所以我的增量高于世界比例(增量 = 鼠标移动该帧)。
float sensitivity = 0.1f;
float moveX = f3DEditFrame.window.mouse.deltaX * sensitivity;
float moveY = f3DEditFrame.window.mouse.deltaY * sensitivity;
Vec3 mouseMoveInWorld = {
moveX * camera.right.x + moveY * camera.up.x,
moveX * camera.right.y + moveY * camera.up.y,
moveX * camera.right.z + moveY * camera.up.z
cube.aabb.position.x += mouseMoveInWorld.x;
cube.aabb.position.y -= mouseMoveInWorld.y;
cube.aabb.position.z += mouseMoveInWorld.z;
Vec3 cubeToCamera = cube.aabb.position - camera.position;
float depthScaling = 1.0f / glm::length(cubeToCamera); // Scale inversely with distance
// Scale the mouse movement by the depth
Vec3 mouseMoveInWorld = {
moveX * camera.right.x * depthScaling + moveY * camera.up.x * depthScaling,
moveX * camera.right.y * depthScaling + moveY * camera.up.y * depthScaling,
moveX * camera.right.z * depthScaling + moveY * camera.up.z * depthScaling
语法高亮另请参阅这篇文章: https://stackoverflow.com/editing-help#syntax-highlighting。
int main(void) {
return 0;