如何在 Python Turtle 的 Tic-Tac-Toe 游戏中交替 2 个玩家?

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我正在上计算机科学课,我们的第一个 Python 项目(海龟)是一个小井字游戏。该项目已接近完成,但我正在努力弄清楚如何在 2 个玩家之间切换,请告诉我我是如何处理这个问题的,因为我仍在学习。

我尝试使用一个用于 for 循环的变量,其中值等于 0,然后每次玩家移动时,它都会为该值添加+1,因此理论上,每次他们移动时,它都会添加1,然后 for 循环将不成立,然后切换到另一个玩家的另一个 for 循环。我现在意识到这些都没有任何意义,也不会起作用。看起来是这样的:

if current_player == "o" or current_player == "O":
    while current_player == "o" or current_player == "O":
        alternate_turn = 0
        while alternate_turn == 0:
            user_input = int(input("Type in a number where O would like to move: "))
            if user_input == 1 :
                alternate_turn = alternate_turn + 1


#If the user said "x", code checks for to see if true then runs commands for "x"
if current_player == "x" or current_player == "X" :
    while current_player == "x" or current_player == "X":
        user_input = int(input("Type in a number where X would like to move: "))

#If user said "o", code checks to see if true then runs commands for "o"
if current_player == "o" or current_player == "O":
    while current_player == "o" or current_player == "O":
        user_input = int(input("Type in a number where O would like to move: "))


#Ask user for input on who goes first
user_select = (input("Who is playing first?(X or O?): "))

#Whatever the user said for user_select, it is stored as the current_player
current_player = user_select

#If the user said "x", code checks for to see if true then runs following commands
if current_player == "x" or current_player == "X" :
    while current_player == "x" or current_player == "X":
        user_input = int(input("Type in a number where X would like to move: "))
#If user said "o", code checks to see if true then runs commands for "o"
if current_player == "o" or current_player == "O":
    while current_player == "o" or current_player == "O":
        user_input = int(input("Type in a number where O would like to move: "))


python tic-tac-toe python-turtle


。我看到的另一个问题是,你试图变得过于自由。 “X”或“x”表示你连自己的球员是什么样的都不知道。当然,玩家可能能够输入“x”或“X”,但这与识别玩家没有任何关系。想象一下,如果这是国际象棋。你真的要检查棋盘一侧的每一个棋子,看看它是否是玩家一号吗?

if current_player == "x" or current_player == "X" :
    while current_player == "x" or current_player == "X":
        user_input = int(input("Type in a number where X would like to move: "))



player_one = input("Input Player One Name: ")
player_two = input("Input Player Two Name: ")

current_player = player_one

while True:
    if current_player == player_one:
        user_input = int(input("Type in a number where X would like to move: "))
        current_player = player_two

    elif current_player == player_two:
        user_input = int(input("Type in a number where O would like to move: "))
        current_player = player_one

        raise ValueError('unrecognized player')
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