对 Toeplitz/Hankel 矩阵的列求和的有效方法

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(N × N) Toeplitz 矩阵 中有许多重复值。示例:

enter image description here



我在下面包含了我对 Hankel 矩阵的 Python 尝试。如果我没数错的话,这需要 3N-4 添加。可以做得更好吗?

import numpy as np
import scipy

# NxN matrix dimension
N = 8

# Define the last row and first column of the NxN Hankel matrix
r = np.random.randint(1, 100, N)                              # Last row
c = np.concatenate((np.random.randint(1, 100, N-1), [r[0]]))  # First column

# Cumulative sums
cumsum_r = np.cumsum(r[1:])
cumsum_c = np.cumsum(np.flip(c))

# Compute column sums
sums = np.zeros(N)
for i in range(N):
    if i == 0:
        sums[i] = cumsum_c[N-1]
        sums[i] = cumsum_c[N-1-i] + cumsum_r[i-1]

# Explicitly construct the Hankel matrix and check the sums
A = scipy.linalg.hankel(c, r)
mismatch = np.sum(A, axis=0) - sums

print(f"Mismatch: {mismatch}")
algorithm matrix optimization processing-efficiency toeplitz


import numpy as np
import scipy

# NxN matrix dimension
N = 8

# Define the last row and first column of the NxN Hankel matrix
rand = np.random.default_rng(seed=0)
r = rand.integers(low=1, high=100, size=N)  # Last row
c = np.concatenate((  # First column
    rand.integers(low=1, high=100, size=N-1),

# Cumulative sums
cumsum_r = np.cumsum(r[1:])
cumsum_c = np.cumsum(c[::-1])

# Compute column sums
sums = np.empty(N)
sums[0] = cumsum_c[N-1]
sums[1:] = cumsum_c[-2::-1] + cumsum_r

# Explicitly construct the Hankel matrix and check the sums
A = scipy.linalg.hankel(c, r)
assert np.array_equal(sums, np.sum(A, axis=0))
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