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我在 StreamProvider 中使用

返回的 Stream,每次用户注册/登录/退出时更新整个底层 Widget-tree。

例如,当我更新 displayName 时,有没有办法手动向该 Stream 添加事件,以便 StreamBuidler 使用新用户数据(新 displayName)重建小部件树,以便在 UI 中显示更改?



flutter events stream streamcontroller

我想出了一个解决方案:使用 StreamGroup 类将两个(或多个)流合并为一个。

重要,这是来自 Flutter async 包,而不是 dart async:

import 'dart:async'; //async await and all that...
import 'package:async/async.dart'; //this contains StreamGroup


  static StreamController<User> _ctrl;
  static Future<void> initCombinedStream() async {

    //without the following line, I get this Error on hot restart: "Bad state: Stream has already been listened to."
    //maybe that error could also be caused by other reasons

    _ctrl = StreamController<User>();

    StreamGroup streamGroup = StreamGroup<User>();
    await streamGroup
      ..add(_ctrl.stream) //I use this stream when I want to update user info from my code
      ..add(FirebaseAuth.instance.idTokenChanges()) //normal firebase stuff...
    _combinedStream = streamGroup.stream;

  ///this is also called from the overridden dispose() method of the highest StatefulWidget in my app
  static void dispose() {
    if (_ctrl != null) _ctrl.close();

  //called when updating displayName for example, otherwise that wouldn't update in the UI
  static void updateUserStream() {
    await FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser.reload(); //no need to call this, this User object is already updated
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