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我的任务是:完成函数 predict 的代码,给定 𝑀×𝑁 的数组 距离、标签和 k,根据其 k 最近邻的标签,预测未标记图像的 M 个标签。

假设k=5。给定一个未标记的图像,我们想要识别最接近它的 5 个标记图像(基于 L2 距离),并查询它们的标签(特别是它们的 cifar10 类 ID)。将选择最常见的标签作为用于对未标记图像进行分类的标签。例如,假设 5 个最近邻的标签是:2、0、2、2、8。那么这个未标记图像的预测标签将为 2。

如果 k 个标签之间存在平局,则应使用平局标签中值最低的 class-ID。


import numpy as np from collections import Counter def predict(dists, labels, k): # Find the indices of the k-nearest neighbors for each unlabeled image, sorted by descending distance nearest = np.argsort(dists, axis=1)[:, :k] # Get the labels of the nearest neighbors nearest_labels = labels[nearest] # Count the occurrences of each class ID in the nearest neighbors counts = [Counter(row) for row in nearest_labels] # Get the most common class ID for each row of nearest neighbors most_common = [] for count in counts: # Check for ties and break them by choosing the label with the lowest value max_count = max(count.values()) possible_labels = [label for label, count in count.items() if count == max_count] chosen_label = min(possible_labels) most_common.append(chosen_label) return np.array(most_common) pass

Calling predict(array([[0., 1., 1., 1.]]), array([0, 1, 1, 0]), 3) produced an incorrect result. Expected a shape-(1,) array with value: array([0]) Got a shape-(1,) array with value: array([1])


python algorithm machine-learning prediction nearest-neighbor
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