将64位数字保留为单独的高分区和低分区。当N <32时向左旋转N:
hi_rot = ((hi << N) | (lo >>> (32-N))) & (0xFFFFFFFF)
lo_rot = ((lo << N) | (hi >>> (32-N))) & (0xFFFFFFFF)
如果N> = 32,则从N中减去32,交换hi和lo,然后执行上述操作。
正如@Doug Currie所说,你需要将64位数字表示为两个数字,然后对它们进行逐位运算。我使用的代码是:
//Constructor for a Long..
function Long(high, low) {
//note: doing "or 0", truncates to 32 bit signed
//big-endian 2's complement int..
this._high = high | 0;
this._low = low | 0;
Long.prototype.rotateLeft = function(bits) {
var newHigh;
if(bits === 32){ //just switch high and low over in this case..
newHigh = this._low;
this._low = this._high;
this._high = newHigh;
} else {
newHigh = (this._high << bits) | (this._low >>> (32-bits));
this._low = (this._low << bits) | (this._high >>> (32-bits));
this._high = newHigh;
return this; //for chaining..
//Rotates the bits of this word round to the right (max 32)..
Long.prototype.rotateRight = function(bits) {
var newHigh;
if(bits === 32){ //just switch high and low over in this case..
newHigh = this._low;
this._low = this._high;
this._high = newHigh;
} else {
newHigh = (this._low << (32-bits)) | (this._high >>> bits);
this._low = (this._high << (32-bits)) | (this._low >>> bits);
this._high = newHigh;
return this; //for chaining..
要使用它,请尝试运行:console.log(new Long(0,1).rotateLeft(4));
double d = 12345678901.0;
// get high int bits in hi, and the low in
int hi = (int)(d / 16.0 / 16.0 / 16.0 / 16.0);
int low = (int)d;
int rot = 3; // thus * 8
int newhi = (low >> (32 - rot)) | (hi << rot);
int newlow = (hi >> (32 - rot)) | (low << rot);
double newdouble = ((double)hi * 16.0 * 16.0 * 16.0 * 16.0) + (double)low;