我正在使用 Scipy 从 3D 数据(矢量 200x200x200)渲染平面。 我可以通过 2 个向量或向量和角度来指定所需的平面。 我想从这个 3D 体积中提取这样一个任意切片。 我找到了如何在 Matlab 中做到这一点: http://www.mathworks.com/help/techdoc/ref/slice.html 我如何在 Scipy 中做到这一点?
您可以使用 scipy.ndimage.interpolation.rotate 将 3D 数组旋转到您想要的任何角度(它使用样条插值),然后您可以从中取出一个切片。
def extract_slice(数据,三元组):
3. 找到从 R2 到 R3 的“后”反式 (A,T),如 X' = AX + T
使用 (0,0), (0,h), (w,0) 很容易计算
4. 对 2D (w,h) 图像中的每个值使用反式(使用三线性插值)
reslice_volume (volume, spacing, o1, o2, n, pos)
1. 获取所需平面与体积边界之间的交线。
def PlaneBoundsIntersectionsLines (n, pos):
"""Outputs points and vectors defining the lines that the view creates by intersecting the volume's bounds.
Normal vector of the given plane and the coords of a point belonging to the plane.
normals_line, points_line
def intersectionPlanePlane(n1,p1,n2,p2):
# Get direction of line
nout = np.cross(n1.reshape((1,3)),n2.reshape((1,3))).reshape(3,1)
nout = normalizeLength(nout)
M = np.concatenate((n1.reshape(1,3),n2.reshape(1,3)), axis=0)
b = np.zeros((2,1))
# print(n1.shape, p1.shape)
pout,resid,rank,s = np.linalg.lstsq(M,b, rcond=None)
return pout, nout
# ... For each face
normalFaces = np.concatenate((np.eye(3,3),np.eye(3,3)), axis = 1)
pointsFaces = np.array([[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0], [379.9872, 379.9872, 169.5], [379.9872, 379.9872, 169.5], [379.9872, 379.9872, 169.5]]).transpose()
points_line = np.zeros((3,6))
normals_line = np.zeros((3,6))
for face in range(6):
n1 = normalFaces[:,face].reshape(3,)
p1 = pointsFaces[:,face].reshape(3,)
pout, nout = intersectionPlanePlane(n1,p1,n,pos)
points_line[:,face] = pout.reshape((3,))
normals_line[:,face] = nout.reshape((3,))
return normals_line, points_line
2. 获取这些线之间的交点,这些点足够接近体积的边界,以被视为平面和体积之间相交的角点。
def FindPlaneCorners(normals_line, points_line):
"""Outputs the points defined by the intersection of the input lines that
are close enough to the borders of the volume to be considered corners of the view plane.
Points and vectors defining lines
p_intersection, intersecting_lines
def intersectionLineLine(Up,P0,Uq,Q0):
# Computes the closest point between two lines
# Must be column points
b = np.zeros((2,1))
b[0,0] = -np.dot((P0-Q0),Up)
b[1,0] = -np.dot((P0-Q0),Uq)
A = np.zeros((2,2))
A[0,0] = np.dot(Up,Up)
A[0,1] = np.dot(-Uq,Up)
A[1,0] = np.dot(Up,Uq)
A[1,1] = np.dot(-Uq,Uq)
if ( np.abs(np.linalg.det(A)) < 10^(-10) ):
point = np.array([np.nan, np.nan, np.nan]).reshape(3,1)
lbd ,resid,rank,s = np.linalg.lstsq(A,b, rcond=None)
# print('\n')
# print(lbd)
P1 = P0 + lbd[0]*Up;
Q1 = Q0 + lbd[1]*Uq;
point = (P1+Q1)/2;
return point
# ... ... Get closest point for every possible pair of lines and select only the ones inside the box
npts = 0
p_intersection = []
intersecting_lines = []
# ... Get all possible pairs of lines
possible_pairs = np.array(list(itertools.combinations(np.linspace(0,5,6), 2)))
for pair in possible_pairs:
k = int(pair[0])
j = int(pair[1])
Up = normals_line[:,k]
P0 = points_line[:,k]
Uq = normals_line[:,j]
Q0 = points_line[:,j]
closest_point = intersectionLineLine(Up,P0,Uq,Q0)
epsilon = 2.2204e-10
# ... ... Is point inside volume? Is it close to the border?
if closest_point[0] <= 379.9872 + epsilon and closest_point[0] >= 0 - epsilon and \
closest_point[1] <= 379.9872 + epsilon and closest_point[1] >= 0 - epsilon and \
closest_point[2] <= 169.5 + epsilon and closest_point[2] >= 0 - epsilon:
# ... ... Is it close to the border? 25 mm?
th = 25
if 379.9872 - closest_point[0] <= th or closest_point[0] - 0 <= th or \
379.9872 - closest_point[1] <= th or closest_point[1] - 0 <= th or \
169.5 - closest_point[2] <= th or closest_point[2] - 0 <= th:
# print('It is close to teh border')
npts += 1
p_intersection = np.array(p_intersection).transpose()
return p_intersection, intersecting_lines
3. 将找到的点变换到切片的参考系(sRF)(我们可以将RF在切片平面内任意居中)。
dim = volume.shape
# ... Get intersection lines between plane and volume bounds
normals_line, points_line = PlaneBoundsIntersectionsLines (n, pos)
# ... Get intersections between generated lines to get corners of view plane
p_intersection, intersecting_lines = FindPlaneCorners (normals_line, points_line)
# ... Calculate parameters of the 2D slice
# ... ... Get corners of slice from volume RF (vrf) to slice RF (srf) - in this case centered in the middle of teh slice
# ... ... ... Define T_vrf2srf
Pose_slice_vrf = M_creater(o1,o2,n,pos)
# ... ... ... Apply transform
p_intersection_slicerf = np.zeros(p_intersection.shape)
for corner in range(p_intersection.shape[1]):
pt_arr = np.concatenate((p_intersection[:,corner],np.ones((1,))) ,axis = 0).reshape((4,1))
p_intersection_slicerf[:,corner] = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(Pose_slice_vrf), pt_arr)[:-1].reshape((3,))
4. 获取这些点的最小 x 和 y 坐标,并定义将用作平面/切片原点的角点。 将此原点转换回体积的 RF (vRF) 并定义一个新的变换矩阵,将 RF 从 vRF 转换为 sRF,但现在以所述原点为中心。
5. 根据这些切片点坐标,我们可以确定切片的大小,然后用它来生成目标切片的所有可能的切片索引。
# ... ... Get slice size based on corners and spacing
spacing_slice = [1,1,8]
min_bounds_slice_xy = np.min(p_intersection_slicerf,axis=1)
max_bounds_slice_xy = np.max(p_intersection_slicerf,axis=1)
size_slice_x = int(np.ceil((max_bounds_slice_xy[0] - min_bounds_slice_xy[0] - 1e-6) / spacing_slice[0]))
size_slice_y = int(np.ceil((max_bounds_slice_xy[1] - min_bounds_slice_xy[1] - 1e-6) / spacing_slice[1]))
slice_size = [size_slice_x, size_slice_y, 1]
# ... ... Get corner in slice coords and redefine transform mat - make corner origin of the slice
origin_corner_slice = np.array([min_bounds_slice_xy[0],min_bounds_slice_xy[1],0])
pt_arr = np.concatenate((origin_corner_slice,np.ones((1,))) ,axis = 0).reshape((4,1))
origin_corner_slice_vrf = np.matmul(Pose_slice_vrf, pt_arr)[:-1].reshape((3,))
Pose_slice_origin_corner_vrf = M_creater(o1,o2,n,origin_corner_slice_vrf)
# ... ... Get every possible inslice coordinates
xvalues = np.linspace(0,size_slice_x-1,size_slice_x)
yvalues = np.linspace(0,size_slice_y-1,size_slice_y)
zvalues = np.linspace(0,0,1)
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(xvalues, yvalues)
xx = xx.transpose()
yy = yy.transpose()
zz = np.zeros(xx.shape)
inslice_coords = np.concatenate((xx.reshape(-1,1), yy.reshape(-1,1), zz.reshape(-1,1)), axis = 1)
6. 下一步是使用新定义的变换矩阵(步骤 4)将每个可能的切片索引映射到体积的参考系。
# ... ... Map every point of slice into volume's RF
inslice_coords_vrf = np.zeros(inslice_coords.shape)
for coord_set in range(inslice_coords.shape[0]):
pt_arr = np.concatenate((inslice_coords[coord_set,:],np.ones((1,))) ,axis = 0).reshape((4,1))
inslice_coords_vrf[coord_set,:] = np.matmul(Pose_slice_origin_corner_vrf, pt_arr)[:-1].reshape((3,))
7. 我们现在拥有切片包含的所有 vRF 坐标,应通过将它们除以相应的间距来立即将其转换为像素值。在此步骤中,我们发现当切片穿过体积的子像素位置时,我们最终得到非整数像素值。我们将像素值四舍五入到最接近的整数 - 最近邻插值。
# ... ... ... Convert to pixel coord - here we used teh resampled spacing
inslice_coords_vrf_px = inslice_coords_vrf.copy()
inslice_coords_vrf_px[:,0] = inslice_coords_vrf[:,0] / spacing[0]
inslice_coords_vrf_px[:,1] = inslice_coords_vrf[:,1] / spacing[1]
inslice_coords_vrf_px[:,2] = inslice_coords_vrf[:,2] / spacing[2]
# ... ... Interpolate pixel value at each mapped point - nearest neighbour int
# ... ... ... Convert pixel value to its closest existing value in the volume
inslice_coords_vrf_px = np.round(inslice_coords_vrf_px, 0).astype(int)
8. 接下来,我们确定切片的哪些像素实际上位于体积的边界内并获取它们的值。体积之外的像素填充为 0。
# ... ... Find slice voxels within volume bounds
in_mask = np.zeros((inslice_coords_vrf_px.shape[0], 1))
idx_in = []
for vox in range(in_mask.shape[0]):
if not np.any(inslice_coords_vrf_px[vox,:]<0) and \
inslice_coords_vrf_px[vox,0]<dim[0] and \
inslice_coords_vrf_px[vox,1]<dim[1] and \
in_mask[vox] = 1
idx_in = np.array(idx_in)
# ... ... Get pixel value from volume based on interpolated pixel indexes
extracted_slice = np.zeros((inslice_coords_vrf_px.shape[0], 1))
for point in range(inslice_coords_vrf_px.shape[0]):
if point in idx_in:
vol_idx = inslice_coords_vrf_px[point,:]
extracted_slice[point] = volume[vol_idx[0], vol_idx[1], vol_idx[2]]
# ... ... Reshape to slice shape
extracted_slice = extracted_slice.reshape((slice_size[0], slice_size[1]))
在我的例子中,我正在处理 MRI 体积,因此作为示例,我添加了从体积中生成的切片。
scipy.ndimage.affine_transform 带有旋转矩阵、偏移量和output_shape。
可以是 2D。