我是一位相当有经验的 R 用户,经常很难使用 apply 系列。我有非常缓慢的迭代代码,我希望通过使用这个系列来提高其性能,但遇到了困难。 我将在这里大大简化用例,因此请假设没有明显的解决方法。
我有一个数据集,其中包含分配给 5 个可能组的 4 个观测值(实际用例是 50,000 个观测值,1110 个可能组)和两个输出变量。 我想通过分配对每个观察进行分组,然后对输出进行一些操作(这里,为了简化,我会说每个观察的均方和。实际输出要复杂得多)。 我的迭代方法给了我我想要的,看起来像这样:
#create toy data
dataset <- data.frame(obs_1 = round(runif(100, 1, 5)),
obs_2 = round(runif(100, 1, 5)),
obs_3 = round(runif(100, 1, 5)),
obs_4 = round(runif(100, 1, 5)),
val_1 = rnorm(100, 0, 5),
val_2 = rnorm(100, 0, 15))
#define a function to create the output for each group
cals <- function(df){
var <- df %>%
group_by(group) %>%
summarise(x1 = sum(val_1),
x2 = sum(val_2)) %>%
mutate(x1 = x1^2,
x2 = x2^2) %>%
mutate(ans = x1 + x2) %>%
#initialize output matrix
answer <- matrix(rep(NA, 20), 5)
#loops -- ugh
for(i in 1:4){
#pull each group list and the two output variables
df_used <- dataset %>%
select(i, val1, val2)
#give the group list a common name so the function can identify it
names(df_used)[1] <- 'group'
#calculate output using the function
cal <- cals(df_used)
#write this into the output matrix
answer[, i] <- cal
# Result:
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 1159.463 197.090174 302.4915 320.8285
[2,] 15820.498 1975.668791 294.3433 7070.0387
[3,] 2423.859 537.334344 13256.3443 1331.7600
[4,] 4646.915 1900.430230 1836.5904 17242.5160
[5,] 9403.906 4.785014 1449.9531 1588.6278
dt <- as.data.table(dataset)
mapply(\(x) setorder(dt[,.(sum(val_1)^2 + sum(val_2)^2), x], x)[[2]], dt[,1:4])
#> obs_1 obs_2 obs_3 obs_4
#> [1,] 524.9378 1220.855 1780.1158 786.5803
#> [2,] 2890.6006 10847.766 6224.3217 7760.9268
#> [3,] 18436.0742 2667.610 3879.1027 466.2114
#> [4,] 6888.7064 1774.418 2644.9105 1149.2653
#> [5,] 3169.8326 3691.997 676.0297 2821.5822