
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我想计算每个分段类别的像素总数,我只需要每个一般对象的计数,例如每辆车一个类别,每个人一个类别等等。因此,我使用语义分割而不是实例分割(它会单独考虑每个车辆或人实例)。但是 detectorron2 中语义分割的输出没有二进制掩码。


masks = output['instances'].pred_masks 
results = torch.sum(torch.flatten(masks, start_dim=1),dim=1)

这给出了像素数,但单独考虑了我不想要的每个车辆实例 。 但是语义分割的输出是字段“sem_seg”,其中包含每个一般类的预测类概率,而不是二进制掩码,我如何继续获取语义分割中每个类的像素计数?

machine-learning pytorch semantic-segmentation detectron

虽然问题已经提出 7 个月了,但仍在回答您或其他人可能需要的问题

正如 Christoph Rackwit 所提到的,为了对实例进行求和,我将使用相同的方法来计算像素总数,以及您提到的用于查找每个实例的总像素的代码,这些代码源自实例分割

  • 所以首先我们提取预测类,它基本上是索引值(pred_classes)和预测掩码(pred_mask),这两个张量值的顺序是相同的
  • 然后我们迭代 pred_classes 和 pred_masks 并使用字典将特定实例的先前像素总和添加到当前
  • 然后将用于训练的类名存储在列表中
  • 最后使用类列表和 pred_classes 索引值迭代字典,我们找到每个类的像素总数(包含多个实例)
import locale

pre_classes = MetadataCatalog.get(self.cfg.DATASETS.TRAIN[0]).thing_classes # this contains the class names in the same order used for training, replace it with your custom dataset class names
masks = predictions["instances"].pred_masks # this extracts the pred_masks from the predicitons
classes = predictions["instances"].pred_classes.numpy().tolist() # this extracts the pred_classes (contains index values corresponding to pre_classes) to a simple from the predicitons

results = torch.sum(torch.flatten(masks, start_dim=1), dim=1).numpy().tolist() # this calculates the total pixels of each instance

count = dict() # create a dict to store unique classes and their total pixel
for i in range(len(classes)): # itearte over the predicted classes
    count[classes[i]] = count.get(classes[i], 0) + results[i] # add the current sum of pixel of particular class and instance to the previous sum of the same class, adds 0 if the class didnt already exist 

locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'en_IN.UTF-8') # set the locale to Indian format
for k, v in count.items(): # itearte over the dict
    print(f"{pre_classes[k]} class contains {locale.format_string('%d', v, grouping=True)} pixels") # printing each class and its total pixel, pres_classes[k] for accessing corresponding class names for class index, locale.format_string for formating the raw number to Indian format


Input Image


Predicted Image


dog class contains 1,39,454 pixels
cat class contains 95,975 pixels



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