localStorage 值已正确存储和加载,但未应用于复选框输入

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在尝试使用 localStorage 来存储和加载复选框的选中状态。这些值已正确存储并从 localStorage 中检索,但该复选框在页面加载时未反映这些值。


const driver = window.driver.js.driver;

const roleBasedSteps = {
    admin: {
        commonSteps: [
                element: '#themeSwitchBtn',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Switch Theme',
                    description: `<p>Swtich between light and dark mode.</p>
                    <label><input type='checkbox' value='' class='startGuideOnLogin'> Always start guide on login</label>`,
                    position: 'auto'
                    // side: 'top', // left, top, right, bottom
                    // align: 'start' // start, center, end
                element: '#navProfileBtn',
                popover: {
                    title: 'More Options',
                    description: 'More options to handle your profile.',
                    position: 'auto'
                element: '#dashboardBtn',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Dashbaord',
                    description: 'Overview your overall progress in figures, charts and tables.',
                    position: 'auto'
                element: '#emailBtn',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Email',
                    description: 'Email box where you can send, receive and read emails.',
                    position: 'auto'
                element: '#usersDropdown',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Users List',
                    description: 'View all users list to manage them.',
                    position: 'auto'
        'index.php': [
                element: '#adminDashboardCountStats',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Total Counts',
                    description: 'View all counts of meetings, clients, client interviews and placed clients.',
                    position: 'auto'
    employee: {
        commonSteps: [
                element: '#themeSwitchBtn',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Switch Theme',
                    description: 'Swtich between light and dark mode.',
                    position: 'auto'
                element: '#navProfileBtn',
                popover: {
                    title: 'More Options',
                    description: 'More options to handle your profile.',
                    position: 'auto'
                element: '#dashboardBtn',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Dashbaord',
                    description: 'Overview your overall progress in figures, charts and tables.',
                    position: 'auto'
                element: '#emailBtn',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Email',
                    description: 'Email box where you can send, receive and read emails.',
                    position: 'auto'
                element: '#usersDropdown',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Users List',
                    description: 'View all users list to manage them.',
                    position: 'auto'
        'index.php': [
                element: '#employeeDashboardCountStats',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Total Counts',
                    description: 'View all counts of meetings, clients, client interviews and placed clients.',
                    position: 'auto'
    candidate: {
        commonSteps: [
                element: '#themeSwitchBtn',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Switch Theme',
                    description: 'Swtich between light and dark mode.',
                    position: 'auto'
                element: '#navProfileBtn',
                popover: {
                    title: 'More Options',
                    description: 'More options to handle your profile.',
                    position: 'auto'
                element: '#dashboardBtn',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Dashbaord',
                    description: 'Overview your overall progress in figures, charts and tables.',
                    position: 'auto'
                element: '#emailBtn',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Email',
                    description: 'Email box where you can send, receive and read emails.',
                    position: 'auto'
                element: '#jobsListBtn',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Jobs List',
                    description: 'View all listed jobs where you can check and give feedback to us.',
                    position: 'auto'
                element: '#kanbanDropdown',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Interviews Board',
                    description: 'Mnanage your interviews and their progress.',
                    position: 'auto'
                element: '#accountDropdown',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Account',
                    description: 'Manage your profile.',
                    position: 'auto'
                element: '#calendarBtn',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Calendar',
                    description: 'View calendar and events.',
                    position: 'auto'
                element: '#collapseBtn',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Collapse Sidebar',
                    description: 'Collapse sidebar menu.',
                    position: 'auto'
        'index.php': [
                element: '#dashboardTotalCounts',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Total Counts',
                    description: 'View all counts of jobs, interviews and meetings.',
                    position: 'auto'
                element: '#dashboardAppliedJobsCount',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Applied Jobs Graph',
                    description: 'View graphical representation below based on selected date range of applied jobs.',
                    position: 'auto'
                element: '#dashboardInterviewsListTable',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Interviews List Table',
                    description: 'View tabular view of your interviews.',
                    position: 'auto'
        'email.php': [
                element: '.composeEmailBtn',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Compose Email',
                    description: 'Opens compose emails section.',
                    position: 'auto'
                element: '#emailSidebarSection',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Email Folders',
                    description: 'View emails in each folder.',
                    position: 'auto'
                element: '#load-folder-emails',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Emails List',
                    description: 'View all emails of specific folder.',
                    position: 'auto'
        'jobs_list.php': [
                element: '#jobsListPageSearch',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Search Job',
                    description: 'Search from jobs list.',
                    position: 'auto'
                element: '#jobsListAction',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Give Rating',
                    description: 'Rate any job by clicking action button against the job.',
                    position: 'auto'
                element: '#jobsListAction',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Give Review',
                    description: 'Review any job by clicking action button against the job.',
                    position: 'auto'
        'kanban.php': [
                element: '#kanbanInterviews',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Pending Interviews',
                    description: 'Here is the list of all upcoming interviews.',
                    position: 'auto'
                element: '#kanbanStage1',
                popover: {
                    title: 'First Stage',
                    description: 'Here is the list of interviews of first stage.',
                    position: 'auto'
                element: '#kanbanStage2',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Second Stage',
                    description: 'Here is the list of interviews of second stage.',
                    position: 'auto'
                element: '#kanbanRejected',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Rejected',
                    description: 'Here is the list of failed interviews.',
                    position: 'auto'
                element: '#kanbanOffer',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Offer',
                    description: 'Here is the list of passed interviews.',
                    position: 'auto'
                element: '.kanbanAddInterview1',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Add New',
                    description: 'Opens pop up to add new item.',
                    position: 'auto'
                element: '.kanbanAddInterview2',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Add New',
                    description: 'Opens pop up to add new item.',
                    position: 'auto'
                element: '.kanbanAddInterview3',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Add New',
                    description: 'Opens pop up to add new item.',
                    position: 'auto'
                element: '.kanbanAddInterview4',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Add New',
                    description: 'Opens pop up to add new item.',
                    position: 'auto'
                element: '.kanbanAddInterview5',
                popover: {
                    title: 'Add New',
                    description: 'Opens pop up to add new item.',
                    position: 'auto'

function mergeGuideSteps(common, specific) {
    return [...common, ...specific];

const steps = mergeGuideSteps(roleBasedSteps[userRole].commonSteps, roleBasedSteps[userRole][currentPage]) || [];

function expandHiddenAreas(steps) {
    steps.forEach(step => {
        const element = document.querySelector(step.element);
        if (element) {
            let parent = element.parentElement;
            while (parent) {
                if (parent.style.display === 'none' || parent.style.visibility === 'hidden') {
                    parent.style.display = '';
                    parent.style.visibility = '';
                if (parent.classList.contains('collapsed')) {
                parent = parent.parentElement;

function isElementInCommonSteps(commonSteps, element) {
    const result = commonSteps.some(step => step.element === element);
    // console.log(`Checking if element ${element} is in common steps: ${result}`);
    return result;

function expandSidebarIfNeeded(commonSteps, currentElement) {
    const sidebar = document.querySelector('#navbarVerticalCollapse');
    const isMobileScreen = window.innerWidth <= 990;
    // console.log(window.innerWidth);

    const cElement = "#" + currentElement;

    if (isMobileScreen && isElementInCommonSteps(commonSteps, cElement)) {
    } else {

const driverObj = driver({
    showProgress: true,
    steps: steps,
    onHighlightStarted: (element) => {
        expandSidebarIfNeeded(roleBasedSteps[userRole].commonSteps, element.id);

document.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
    if (event.target && event.target.classList.contains('startGuideOnLogin')) {
        const checked = '1';
        const unchecked = '0';

        if (event.target.value === '0' || event.target.value === '') {
            localStorage.setItem('startGuideOnLogin', checked);
            localStorage.setItem('startGuideBox', 'true');
            event.target.value = checked;
            event.target.checked = true;
        } else {
            localStorage.setItem('startGuideOnLogin', unchecked);
            localStorage.setItem('startGuideBox', 'false');
            event.target.value = unchecked;
            event.target.checked = false;

        console.log('Checkbox value:', event.target.value);

document.getElementById('startGuide').addEventListener('click', function () {

window.addEventListener('load', function () {
    const isStartGuide = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('startGuideOnLogin'));
    const isBoxChecked = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('startGuideBox'));

    console.log('Start Guide: ' + isStartGuide);
    console.log('Input Box: ' + isBoxChecked);

    const checkbox = document.querySelectorAll('.startGuideOnLogin');

    if (checkbox) {
        checkbox.value = isStartGuide;
        checkbox.checked = isBoxChecked;
        console.log("values: " + checkbox.value + ", " + checkbox.checked);

    if (isStartGuide === 1) {


  1. 这些值正确存储在 localStorage 中,并且当我在浏览器的开发人员工具中检查 localStorage 时可以看到。
  2. 但是,当页面加载时,复选框不会根据 localStorage 中存储的值反映选中状态。


  1. 使用 console.log 验证 localStorage 值。
  2. 检查 JavaScript 控制台是否有错误。
  3. 确保复选框具有正确的类,并且在脚本运行时出现在 DOM 中。


尽管正确存储和加载了 localStorage 值,但未应用复选框状态的原因可能是什么?我该如何解决这个问题?

javascript dom checkbox local-storage






* Existing code
if (checkbox) {
    checkbox.value = isStartGuide;
    checkbox.checked = Boolean(isBoxChecked);
* Remaining existing code.



* Existing Code
if (checkbox) {
    checkbox.value = isStartGuide;
    checkbox.checked = isBoxChecked == 1 ? true : false;
* Remaining Existing Code.

PS 请仅使用上述解决方法之一。

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