
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在处理一个文件,其中有三列,从场景 [+100、+25、-25、-100、暗示、EBA 向上、EBA 向下] 开始,然后是评级索引 [GL-AUD-AONIA-01D、GL -INR-01D] 然后以月度格式对未来 5 年的日期进行评级。

我担心的是,如果对于特定利率指数,隐含或基本冲击情景利率为 5.00,那么在 +100 冲击情景的情况下,它应该是隐含利率 + 100 bps 意味着 5 + 1 = 6.00,但如果文件正在加载到 pandas 数据帧具有不同的速率,例如 9.00 与 +100 冲击场景相比,那么它应该在比较文件中将其标记为 false,而这没有发生。事实上代码正在做什么,而不是重新计算除隐含场景之外的所有场景的速率只需根据该场景从现有利率中添加/减去基点值,而不是使用隐含利率+-冲击

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

def apply_scenario(rate, scenario, rate_index):
    if 'Implied' in scenario:
        return rate  # Implied scenario does not modify the rate
    elif '+100' in scenario:
        # Apply +100 shock
        return rate + 1 
    elif '+25' in scenario:
        # Apply +25 shock
        return rate + 0.25
    elif '-100' in scenario:
        # Apply -100 shock
        return rate - 1
    elif 'EBA up' in scenario:
        # Apply EBA up shock
        currency = rate_index.split('-')[1]
        shock_value = get_shock_value(currency)
        return rate + shock_value
    elif 'EBA down' in scenario:
        # Apply EBA down shock
        currency = rate_index.split('-')[1]
        shock_value = get_shock_value(currency)
        # Ensure it doesn't go below -1%
        new_rate = rate - shock_value
        return max(new_rate, -0.01)
    elif 'Static' in scenario:
        # Static scenario, return the same rate
        return rate
        # Handle unknown scenarios
        return None

def get_shock_value(currency):
    # Define shock values per currency
    shock_values = {
        'ARS': 400, 'AUD': 350, 'BRL': 400, 'CAD': 250, 'CHF': 150,
        'CNY': 300, 'EUR': 250, 'GBP': 300, 'HKD': 200, 'IDR': 400,
        'INR': 350, 'JPY': 100, 'KRW': 250, 'MXN': 400, 'RUB': 400,
        'SAR': 300, 'SEK': 300, 'SGD': 150, 'TRY': 400, 'USD': 200,
        'ZAR': 350
    # Return shock value for the given currency
    return shock_values.get(currency, 0)

def process_excel_data(file_path, sheet_name, output_file):
    # Load data from Excel
    df = pd.read_excel(file_path, sheet_name=sheet_name, header=5)  # Adjust header as needed
    # Rename 'Forecast with timestamp' column to 'Scenario'
    df = df.rename(columns={df.columns[0]: 'Scenario', df.columns[1]: 'Rate Index'})
    df['Scenario'] = df['Scenario'].str.split('/').str[1]
    # Initialize an empty DataFrame to store calculated rates
    calculated_rates_df = df.copy()
    # Iterate through each row in the DataFrame
    for index, row in df.iterrows():
        scenario = row['Scenario']  # Fetch scenario from the DataFrame
        rate_index = row['Rate Index']  # Fetch rate index from the DataFrame
        # Iterate through each date column starting from the third column
        for column in df.columns[2:]:
            t0_rate = row[column]
            if pd.notna(t0_rate):
                # Calculate the rate for the scenario
                calculated_rate = apply_scenario(t0_rate, scenario, rate_index)
                if calculated_rate is not None:
                    # Update the calculated rate in the DataFrame
                    calculated_rates_df.at[index, column] = calculated_rate
    # Comparison DataFrame for True/False comparison
    comparison_results = (np.abs(df.iloc[:, 2:] - calculated_rates_df.iloc[:, 2:]) < 1e-10).astype(int)
    # Create Excel writer
    writer = pd.ExcelWriter('output.xlsx', engine='openpyxl')
    with pd.ExcelWriter(output_file_path, engine='openpyxl') as writer:
        # Write each DataFrame to a different sheet
        df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Original Data', index=False)
        calculated_rates_df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Calculated Rates', index=False)
        comparison_results.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Result', index=False)

# Example usage:
file_path = "C:\\Users\\45320750\\Desktop\\Rate_index\\MF.xlsx"
sheet_name = 'Market Forecast Rate Indexes'
output_file_path = 'C:\\Users\\45320750\\Desktop\\Rate_index\\Market Forecast_comparison.xlsx'
process_excel_data(file_path, sheet_name,output_file)


|场景| 利率指数| 30/06/2024 |

|+100 | GL-AUD-AONIA-01D | GL-AUD-AONIA-01D | 5.5 |

|-100 | GL-AUD-AONIA-01D | GL-AUD-AONIA-01D | 4 |

|隐含| GL-AUD-AONIA-01D| 5

|EBA 上行| GL-AUD-AONIA-01D | GL-AUD-AONIA-01D | 8.5 |


|场景| 利率指数| 30/06/2024 |

|+100 | GL-AUD-AONIA-01D | GL-AUD-AONIA-01D | 6 |

|-100 | GL-AUD-AONIA-01D | GL-AUD-AONIA-01D | 4 |

|隐含| GL-AUD-AONIA-01D| 5 |

|EBA 上行| GL-AUD-AONIA-01D | GL-AUD-AONIA-01D | 8.5|


|场景| 利率指数| 30/06/2024 |

|+100 | GL-AUD-AONIA-01D | GL-AUD-AONIA-01D | 6.5 |

|-100 | GL-AUD-AONIA-01D | GL-AUD-AONIA-01D | 4 |

|暗示| GL-AUD-AONIA-01D| 5

基本上,代码是在现有的 +100 利率之上,针对 +100 冲击场景应用 +1 bps 的冲击,即 5.5 +1 = 6.5,这是不正确的,它应该是隐含利率 + 1 bps 冲击,因此 5+1 = 6

在 EBA 上下波动的情况下,它应该根据我在代码中定义的货币价值给出冲击,因此如果利率指数是 GL-AUD-AONIA-01D,则意味着它是基于澳元的曲线,对于澳元 ccy冲击值为 350 bps,因此如果隐含利率为 5 ,则 EBA 上涨利率将为 5 + 3.5 = 8.5

python pandas



d = {'Scenario': ['+100', '-100','Implied','EBA up'], 
     'Rate Index': ['GL-AUD-AONIA-01D','GL-AUD-AONIA-01D','GL-AUD-AONIA-01D','GL-AUD-AONIA-01D' ],

original_df = pd.DataFrame(data=d)


# Getting implied rates and date
implied_rates = original_df.loc[original_df['Scenario'].str.contains('Implied'), ['DATE','Rate']]

# Rename 'Rate' to 'Implied Rate'
implied_rates.rename({'Rate': 'Implied Rate'}, axis=1, inplace=True)

# Merging implied_rate to original_df 
new_df = original_df.merge(implied_rates,on='DATE',how='right')


Scenario    Rate Index        DATE         Rate   Implied Rate
+100        GL-AUD-AONIA-01D  30/06/2024   5.5    5.0
-100        GL-AUD-AONIA-01D  30/06/2024   4.0    5.0
Implied     GL-AUD-AONIA-01D  30/06/2024   5.0    5.0
EBA up      GL-AUD-AONIA-01D  30/06/2024   8.5    5.0



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