我构建了一个工具 https://github.com/tw-yshuang/coco2yolo
python3 coco2yolo.py [OPTIONS]
Usage: coco2yolo.py [OPTIONS] [CAT_INFOS]...
-ann-path, --annotations-path TEXT
JSON file. Path for label. [required]
-img-dir, --image-download-dir TEXT
The directory of the image data place.
-task-dir, --task-categories-dir TEXT
Build a directory that follows the task-required categories.
-cat-t, --category-type TEXT Category input type. (interactive | file) [default: interactive]
-set, --set-computing-type TEXT
Set Computing for the data. (union | intersection) [default: union]
--help Show this message and exit.
我和我的同学创建了一个名为 PyLabel 的 python 包来帮助其他人完成此任务和其他标记任务。
!pip install pylabel
from pylabel import importer
dataset = importer.ImportCoco(path=path_to_annotations, path_to_images=path_to_images)
有一个名为 makesense.ai 的开源工具用于注释图像。为图像添加注释后,您可以下载 YOLO txt 格式。但您将无法下载带注释的图像。
我已加载images/all_images目录中的所有图像。我对 train/test/val 使用了不同的 coco .json 注释。您可以进行相应的更改。确保相应地创建目录。
import os
import json
import shutil
# load json and save directory for labels train/val/test
coco_file = 'labels/val.json'
save_folder = 'labels/val'
#source of all the images and destination folder for train/test/val
source_path = "images/all_images"
destination_path = "images/val"
# Use os.listdir() to get a list of filenames in the folder
file_names = os.listdir(source_path)
with open(coco_file) as f:
coco = json.load(f)
images = coco['images']
annotations = coco['annotations']
categories = {cat['id']: cat['name'] for cat in coco['categories']}
#os.makedirs(save_folder, exist_ok=True)
for ann in annotations:
image = next(img for img in images if (img['id'] == ann['image_id']))
if (image["file_name"] not in file_names):
#print(f"image in annotations = {type(image['id'])}")
width, height = image['width'], image['height']
x_center = (ann['bbox'][0] + ann['bbox'][2] / 2) / width
y_center = (ann['bbox'][1] + ann['bbox'][3] / 2) / height
bbox_width = ann['bbox'][2] / width
bbox_height = ann['bbox'][3] / height
category_id = ann['category_id']
image_id = ann['image_id']
filename = image['file_name']
label_filename = filename.split('.jpg')[0]
label_path = os.path.join(save_folder, f'{label_filename}.txt')
with open(label_path, 'a') as f:
segmentation_points_list = []
for segmentation in ann['segmentation']:
# Check if any element in segmentation is a string
if any(isinstance(point, str) for point in segmentation):
continue # Skip this segmentation if it contains strings
segmentation_points = [str(float(point) / width) for point in segmentation]
segmentation_points_list.append(' '.join(segmentation_points))
segmentation_points_string = ' '.join(segmentation_points_list)
line = '{} {}\n'.format(categories, segmentation_points_string)
image_source = source_path + f'/{image["file_name"]}'
shutil.copy(image_source, destination_path)
您可以找到一些 roboflow 的使用指南。例如 https://medium.com/red-buffer/roboflow-d4e8c4b52515
搜索“convert coco format to yolo format” -> 你会找到一些将注释转换为yolo格式的开源代码。