Pyspark 计算时间随着数据的减少而增加

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我遇到了一个问题,我必须对每一行数据迭代相同的计算,直到它们收敛。我的思路是在每次迭代后删除收敛的行,以便在下一次迭代时减少计算时间。 然后我注意到计算量随着每次迭代而增加。

我对 pyspark 有点陌生,目前正在尝试使用 F.when() 重写我的代码,但我觉得无论如何这里都有一个教训。


import time
def create_dummy_df(size=10000):
    data = np.random.uniform(0, 1, size=(size, 6))

    rows = [(float(a), float(b), float(c), float(d), float(e), float(f)) for a,b,c,d,e,f in data]

    return spark.createDataFrame(rows, ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"])

def doComputation(df):
    """Simulate heavy polynomial calculations with increased complexity"""
    df = df.withColumn("res_a", F.pow(F.col("a"), 2))
    df = df.withColumn("res_b", F.pow(F.col("b"), 3))
    df = df.withColumn("res_c", F.pow(F.col("c"), 4))
    df = df.withColumn("res_d", F.pow(F.col("a") + F.col("b"), 2))
    df = df.withColumn("res_e", F.pow(F.col("b") + F.col("c"), 3))
    df = df.withColumn("res_f", F.pow(F.col("c") + F.col("a"), 4))
    df = df.withColumn("output", F.col("res_a") + F.col("res_b") + F.col("res_c") + F.col("res_d") + F.col("res_e") + F.col("res_f"))
    df = df.withColumn("converged", F.col("output") > 5)
    # Increase a, b, c by 0.01 so more will converge in next iteration
    df = df.withColumn("a", F.col("a") + 0.01).withColumn("b", F.col("b") + 0.01).withColumn("c", F.col("c") + 0.01)
    return df

def testFunc(df, maxIter = 40):
    total_rows = df.count()
    converged_rows = []
    for i in range(maxIter):
        t = time.time()
        df = doComputation(df)
        # Identify converged rows
        converged = df.filter(F.col("converged") | F.isnan('output'))
        # Remove converged rows from working set
        df = df.filter(~F.col("converged") & ~F.isnan('output'))

        #re-persist dataframe to avoid exploding computation tree on later iterations
        df = df.cache()
        remaining = df.count()
        #store converged rows with information on when they converged
        if not converged.isEmpty():
            converged_rows.append(converged.withColumn("converged_iteration", F.lit(i+1)))
        print(f"Iteration {i+1}: {total_rows - remaining}/{total_rows} rows converged, iteration time: {time.time()-t:.2f} seconds")    
        if remaining == 0:

    t = time.time()
    # merge all converged results
    result_df = converged_rows[0]
    for df_chunk in converged_rows[1:]:
        result_df = result_df.union(df_chunk)

    # merge unconverged results with iteration 999
    if df.count() > 0:
        result_df = result_df.union(df.withColumn("converged_iteration", F.lit(999)))
    print(f'merge time: {time.time()-t:.2f} seconds')
    return result_df

testdf = create_dummy_df()

Iteration 1: 4350/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 1.87 seconds
Iteration 2: 4574/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 1.26 seconds
Iteration 3: 4821/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 0.88 seconds
Iteration 4: 5028/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 0.82 seconds
Iteration 5: 5253/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 1.03 seconds
Iteration 6: 5509/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 1.17 seconds
Iteration 7: 5745/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 1.02 seconds
Iteration 8: 5977/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 1.24 seconds
Iteration 9: 6196/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 1.19 seconds
Iteration 10: 6410/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 1.27 seconds
Iteration 11: 6623/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 1.41 seconds
Iteration 12: 6829/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 1.44 seconds
Iteration 13: 6998/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 1.45 seconds
Iteration 14: 7186/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 2.08 seconds
Iteration 15: 7354/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 1.65 seconds
Iteration 16: 7523/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 1.89 seconds
Iteration 17: 7673/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 2.03 seconds
Iteration 18: 7852/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 2.00 seconds
Iteration 19: 7994/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 1.91 seconds
Iteration 20: 8132/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 2.05 seconds
Iteration 21: 8261/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 2.57 seconds
Iteration 22: 8371/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 2.45 seconds
Iteration 23: 8497/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 3.14 seconds
Iteration 24: 8612/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 2.72 seconds
Iteration 25: 8713/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 2.91 seconds
Iteration 26: 8822/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 3.02 seconds
Iteration 27: 8945/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 3.18 seconds
Iteration 28: 9026/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 3.23 seconds
Iteration 29: 9115/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 3.63 seconds
Iteration 30: 9202/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 3.66 seconds
Iteration 31: 9273/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 3.76 seconds
Iteration 32: 9338/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 3.49 seconds
Iteration 33: 9412/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 4.09 seconds
Iteration 34: 9472/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 4.32 seconds
Iteration 35: 9546/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 4.67 seconds
Iteration 36: 9590/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 4.30 seconds
Iteration 37: 9643/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 4.54 seconds
Iteration 38: 9688/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 4.93 seconds
Iteration 39: 9732/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 5.67 seconds
Iteration 40: 9769/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 5.72 seconds
python dataframe pyspark
  1. 当您在循环中创建计划 (
    ) 时,Spark 的行为会很奇怪。取消注释下面代码中的
    # df.explain()
  2. 的打印计划
  3. 在下一步开始之前,有很多方法可以强制执行每个步骤(迭代)中创建的每个计划。请参阅下面修改后的代码中的
  4. 通常需要进行一些尝试和错误练习才能找到最适合您情况的方法。请注意每个
    的合并时间。如果你确实说 15 次迭代,那么“orig”的合并将比“rdd”的合并更快。
  5. "remove the converged rows after each iteration so the computation time decreases on the next iteration"

import time
import numpy as np
from pyspark.sql import functions as F

def create_dummy_df(size=10000):
    data = np.random.uniform(0, 1, size=(size, 6))
    rows = [(float(a), float(b), float(c), float(d), float(e), float(f)) for a,b,c,d,e,f in data]
    return spark.createDataFrame(rows, ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"])
def force_plan_execution(df, test_type):
  # 'as_table', 'rdd'
  if test_type == 'as_table':
    df.write.saveAsTable("df_temp_view1", mode="overwrite")
  elif test_type == 'rdd':
    r = df.rdd
    s = df.schema
    return r.toDF(s)
    return df

def doComputation(df):
    """Simulate heavy polynomial calculations with increased complexity"""
    df = df.withColumn("res_a", F.pow(F.col("a"), 2))
    df = df.withColumn("res_b", F.pow(F.col("b"), 3))
    df = df.withColumn("res_c", F.pow(F.col("c"), 4))
    df = df.withColumn("res_d", F.pow(F.col("a") + F.col("b"), 2))
    df = df.withColumn("res_e", F.pow(F.col("b") + F.col("c"), 3))
    df = df.withColumn("res_f", F.pow(F.col("c") + F.col("a"), 4))
    df = df.withColumn("output", F.col("res_a") + F.col("res_b") + F.col("res_c") + F.col("res_d") + F.col("res_e") + F.col("res_f"))
    df = df.withColumn("converged", F.col("output") > 5)
    # Increase a, b, c by 0.01 so more will converge in next iteration
    df = df.withColumn("a", F.col("a") + 0.01).withColumn("b", F.col("b") + 0.01).withColumn("c", F.col("c") + 0.01)
    return df

def testFunc(df, test_type, num_iter = 16):
    total_rows = df.count()
    converged_rows = []
    for i in range(num_iter):
        t = time.time()
        df = doComputation(df)
        df = force_plan_execution(df, test_type)
        # df.explain()
        # Identify converged rows
        converged = df.filter(F.col("converged") | F.isnan('output'))
        # Remove converged rows from working set
        df = df.filter(~F.col("converged") & ~F.isnan('output'))

        #re-persist dataframe to avoid exploding computation tree on later iterations
        df = df.cache()
        remaining = df.count()
        #store converged rows with information on when they converged
        if not converged.isEmpty():
            converged_rows.append(converged.withColumn("converged_iteration", F.lit(i+1)))
        if i % 2 == 1:
          print(f"Iteration {i+1}: {total_rows - remaining}/{total_rows} rows converged, iteration time: {time.time()-t:.2f} seconds")    
        if remaining == 0:

    t = time.time()
    # merge all converged results
    result_df = converged_rows[0]
    for df_chunk in converged_rows[1:]:
        result_df = result_df.union(df_chunk)

    # merge unconverged results with iteration 999
    if df.count() > 0:
        result_df = result_df.union(df.withColumn("converged_iteration", F.lit(999)))
    print(f'merge time: {time.time()-t:.2f} seconds')
    return result_df

for test_type in ['rdd', 'orig', 'as_table', ]:
  t = time.time()
  print(f"Start {test_type} {'-'*60}")
  testdf = create_dummy_df()
  testFunc(testdf, test_type)
  print(f"END Total time: {test_type} {time.time()-t:.2f} seconds {'-'*40}")


Start rdd ------------------------------------------------------------
Iteration 5: 5299/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 0.93 seconds
Iteration 10: 6439/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 1.31 seconds
Iteration 15: 7358/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 1.90 seconds
Iteration 20: 8151/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 2.76 seconds
Iteration 25: 8774/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 3.83 seconds
Iteration 30: 9232/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 5.07 seconds
merge time: 1.42 seconds
END Total time: rdd 72.91 seconds ----------------------------------------
Start orig ------------------------------------------------------------
Iteration 5: 5283/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 0.45 seconds
Iteration 10: 6364/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 0.84 seconds
Iteration 15: 7344/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 1.40 seconds
Iteration 20: 8099/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 2.01 seconds
Iteration 25: 8726/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 3.03 seconds
Iteration 30: 9209/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 3.97 seconds
merge time: 5.76 seconds
END Total time: orig 58.26 seconds ----------------------------------------
Start as_table ------------------------------------------------------------
Iteration 5: 5229/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 4.34 seconds
Iteration 10: 6347/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 4.46 seconds
Iteration 15: 7296/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 4.39 seconds
Iteration 20: 8114/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 4.58 seconds
Iteration 25: 8743/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 4.54 seconds
Iteration 30: 9208/10000 rows converged, iteration time: 5.07 seconds
merge time: 0.18 seconds
END Total time: as_table 139.36 seconds ----------------------------------------
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