我正在制作一个交互式着色页。用户会看到一个 SVG 图像,当他们从样本中选择一种颜色时,他们可以单击图像的一部分来更改其填充颜色。
我尝试查询 GPT,但运气不佳。这是建议的内容 - 圆圈跟随,但颜色不会改变或更新。
// Function to handle color picker selection
function handleColorPickerSelection(event) {
// Check if a color picker input element already exists
if (!document.getElementById('colorPickerInput')) {
// Create a color picker input element
var input = document.createElement('input');
input.type = 'color';
input.id = 'colorPickerInput'; // Assign an id to the input element
// Add event listener for color change
input.addEventListener('change', function() {
// Set the current fill to the selected color
var selectedColor = input.value;
_currentFill = 'fill:' + selectedColor;
// Remove the input element from the body
// Append the input element to the body
// Trigger click event on color picker input
// Add event listener to the custom swatch for color picker
document.getElementById('colorPickerSwatch').addEventListener('click', handleColorPickerSelection);
// Function to update the position of the color indicator circle
function updateColorIndicator(event) {
var indicator = document.getElementById('colorIndicator');
// Update the position of the indicator circle based on the mouse cursor
indicator.setAttribute('cx', event.clientX - 8); // Adjust for SVG viewBox and circle size
indicator.setAttribute('cy', event.clientY - 8); // Adjust for SVG viewBox and circle size
// Add event listener to update the color indicator position when the mouse moves
document.addEventListener('mousemove', updateColorIndicator);
<div id="sidebar">
<!-- Colour swatches -->
<svg id="swatches" width="60px" height="200px" viewBox="-4 -4 60 200" style="stroke: #000;stroke-width: 2; stroke-opacity: 0.1">
<!-- Rainbow gradient -->
<linearGradient id="rainbowGradient" x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="100%" y2="0%">
<stop offset="0%" stop-color="red"/>
<stop offset="20%" stop-color="orange"/>
<stop offset="40%" stop-color="yellow"/>
<stop offset="60%" stop-color="green"/>
<stop offset="80%" stop-color="blue"/>
<stop offset="100%" stop-color="violet"/>
<!-- Rect for rainbow gradient -->
<rect id="colorPickerSwatch" x="0" y="100" width="20" height="20" fill="url(#rainbowGradient)" style="stroke:#000;stroke-width:2"/>
<!-- Indicator circle -->
<circle id="colorIndicator" cx="0" cy="0" r="5" fill="transparent" stroke="#000" stroke-width="2"/>
你的 mousemove 脚本占用了 CPU,所以选择器没有显示,你就失踪了
indicator.style.fill = input.value;
const indicator = document.getElementById('colorIndicator');
const colorPickerSwatch = document.getElementById('colorPickerSwatch');
// Function to hide the indicator
function hideIndicator() {
indicator.style.display = 'none';
// Function to show the indicator
function showIndicator() {
indicator.style.display = '';
// Add mouseover and mouseout event listeners to the swatch
colorPickerSwatch.addEventListener('mouseover', hideIndicator);
colorPickerSwatch.addEventListener('mouseout', showIndicator);
// Function to handle color picker selection
function handleColorPickerSelection(event) {
// Create a color picker input element if it does not exist
if (!document.getElementById('colorPickerInput')) {
var input = document.createElement('input');
input.type = 'color';
input.id = 'colorPickerInput';
// Add event listener for color change
input.addEventListener('change', function() {
// Set the color of the indicator to the selected color
indicator.style.fill = input.value;
// Show the indicator if it was hidden
// Remove the input element from the body
// Append the input element to the body and trigger the color picker
// Add event listener to the swatch for the color picker
colorPickerSwatch.addEventListener('click', handleColorPickerSelection);
// Add event listener to the custom swatch for color picker
document.getElementById('colorPickerSwatch').addEventListener('click', handleColorPickerSelection);
function updateColorIndicator(event) {
// Check if the mouse is over the colorPickerSwatch
if (!colorPickerSwatch.contains(event.target)) {
// Update the position of the indicator circle based on the mouse cursor
indicator.setAttribute('cx', event.clientX - 8); // Adjust for SVG viewBox and circle size
indicator.setAttribute('cy', event.clientY - 8); // Adjust for SVG viewBox and circle size
document.addEventListener('mousemove', updateColorIndicator);
<div id="sidebar">
<!-- Colour swatches -->
<svg id="swatches" width="60px" height="200px" viewBox="-4 -4 60 200" style="stroke: #000;stroke-width: 2; stroke-opacity: 0.1">
<!-- Rainbow gradient -->
<linearGradient id="rainbowGradient" x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="100%" y2="0%">
<stop offset="0%" stop-color="red"/>
<stop offset="20%" stop-color="orange"/>
<stop offset="40%" stop-color="yellow"/>
<stop offset="60%" stop-color="green"/>
<stop offset="80%" stop-color="blue"/>
<stop offset="100%" stop-color="violet"/>
<!-- Rect for rainbow gradient -->
<rect id="colorPickerSwatch" x="0" y="100" width="20" height="20" fill="url(#rainbowGradient)" style="stroke:#000;stroke-width:2"/>
<!-- Indicator circle -->
<circle id="colorIndicator" cx="0" cy="0" r="5" fill="transparent" stroke="#000" stroke-width="2"/>