
问题描述 投票:0回答:2

我有一个三角形列表,每个三角形节点都有 XYZ 坐标。我需要一个节点列表和一个三角形节点索引列表。关闭的节点应该获得相同的索引。 我的 C# 代码是:

        // ensureNodeAt
        // return node index. Avoid duplicates.
        public int ensureNodeAt(XYZ p, double eps_dist = 1e-9)
            // backwards - most likely the one we seek is at the back
            for (int i = nodes.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                XYZ v = nodes[i].v - p;
                // dx = v.X - p.X;
                // dy = v.Y - p.Y;
                // dz = v.Z - p.Z;
                // dx = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
                if (v.X * v.X + v.Y * v.Y + v.Z * v.Z < eps_dist)
                { return i; }
            // Must add a new node
            return nodes.Count - 1;

        void work(List<XYZ> triangles){
            tri = new List<Tri>(triangles.Count / 3); // triangle indices
            nodes = new List<XYZ>(triangles.Count); // triangle nodes
            for (int i = 0; i < triangles.Count; i += 3)
                var a = triangles[i];
                var b = triangles[i + 1];
                var c = triangles[i + 2];
                tri.Add(new Tri(ensureNodeAt(a, eps_dist), ensureNodeAt(b, eps_dist), ensureNodeAt(c, eps_dist)));

有什么办法可以让它更快或并行运行吗?我有大约 900k 个节点。

algorithm merge geometry


内包含 X。因此,如果您将点按 X 排序,那么您就不需要检查这么多重复项。


nodes[i].v.X >=  p.X-eps_dist
nodes[i].v.X > p+eps_dist

Y或Z也是如此;因此,如果您有理由认为点在这些方向之一上会更加分离,则可以使用其中之一而不是 X。


我是这样解决的。我的数据主要是 X、Y 数据,带有轻微的 Z 偏移,因此按 x 范围对点进行分组对我来说很有效:

namespace Whatever
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using WhateverXYZ; // class XYZ

    public class SpacePartitioning
        // PUBLIC
        public double eps = 1e-3; // max error for neighbour nodes, so they are "the same"
        public List<XYZ> nodes;

        // PRIVATE
        // A Space is a list of node indices within a range xmin/xmax.
        // nodes very close to xmin/xmax are in both neighbour spaces,
        // so finding a close node is ensured for both neighbour spaces.
        class Space
            public Space(int perSpaceNodes) { xmin = 0; xmax = 0; indices = new List<int>(perSpaceNodes); }
            public double xmin, xmax; // the bounds of the space are extendes by +/- eps to check if a point is inside
            public List<int> indices;
            public double Width() { return xmax - xmin; }
        private List<Space> spaces;
        int perSpaceNodes = 128; // desired masimum number of nodes per space
        const double minSpaceWidth = 2.0; // [ft] the minimum width of a space, even if it has lots of nodes

        // C'tor
        public SpacePartitioning(int nodeCountPreallocation = 1000000)

        // Clear
        public void Clear(int nodeCountPreallocation = 1000000)
            // keep the number of nodes per spaces lower than the number of nodes
            int sideLength = (int)Math.Sqrt(nodeCountPreallocation);
            perSpaceNodes = Math.Max(128, Math.Min(4096, sideLength / 8));

            nodes = new List<XYZ>(nodeCountPreallocation);
            spaces = new List<Space>(64);

        // PUBLIC

        // Find or add a node to the list of nodes.
        // Specify this.eps before starting to add nodes.
        // Returns the index in m_nodes[]
        public int FindOrAddNode(XYZ p)
            double eps2 = eps * eps;


            foreach (var space in spaces)
                if (IsPointInSpace(space, p))
                    foreach (var ix in space.indices)
                        if (dist2(nodes[ix], p) < eps2) { return ix; }

                    // Point must go in this space
                    return InsertPointToSpaces(p);

            int can_t_be = 1;
            return -1;

        // squared distance of two points
        private static double dist2(XYZ p1, XYZ p2)
            XYZ d = p2 - p1;
            return d.X * d.X + d.Y * d.Y + d.Z * d.Z;

        // Split a space with many nodes into two spaces with only half of the nodes, each.
        private void SplitLargeSpace(Space spc)
            if (spc.Width() < minSpaceWidth) { return; }

            // find average point center
            double xavg = 0.0;
            foreach (int ix in spc.indices) { xavg += nodes[ix].X; }
            xavg /= (double)spc.indices.Count;

            // split space
            Space sp2 = new Space(perSpaceNodes);
            sp2.xmin = xavg;
            sp2.xmax = spc.xmax;
            spc.xmax = xavg;

            // reasign nodes to the corresponding spaces
            for (int i = 0; i < spc.indices.Count; i++)
                int ix = spc.indices[i];
                XYZ p = nodes[ix];
                // both can be possible!

                // remove from old space
                if (!IsPointInSpace(spc, p))

                // add in new space
                if (IsPointInSpace(sp2, p))

        // Adds point to nodes list and then puts the reference in any space
        private int InsertPointToSpaces(XYZ p)
            // add new point to the point list
            int ix = nodes.Count;

            // insert new point to spaces
            foreach (var space in spaces)
                if (IsPointInSpace(space, p))

            // split large spaces
            for (int i = 0; i < spaces.Count; i++)
                var space = spaces[i];
                if (space.indices.Count >= perSpaceNodes)
            return ix;

        // Esnure, the spaces containers are wide enough to capture the point
        private void EnsureSpacesFor(XYZ p)
            const double largeWidth = 10000.0; // "infinite" range for new spaces

            // empty space
            if (spaces.Count == 0)
                var ns = new Space(perSpaceNodes);
                ns.xmin = p.X - largeWidth;
                ns.xmax = p.X + largeWidth;

            // left of all spaces
            if (spaces[0].xmin > p.X + eps)
                var ns = new Space(perSpaceNodes);
                ns.xmin = p.X - largeWidth;
                ns.xmax = spaces[0].xmin;
            // right of all spaces
            if (spaces[spaces.Count - 1].xmax < p.X - eps)
                var ns = new Space(perSpaceNodes);
                ns.xmin = spaces[spaces.Count - 1].xmax;
                ns.xmax = p.X + largeWidth;

        // Is a point within the space (including some extra space for nodes close to the boundary of a space)
        bool IsPointInSpace(Space space, XYZ p) { return p.X >= space.xmin - eps && p.X <= space.xmax + eps; }

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