我发现的几个 Scala 示例看起来非常没有说服力。我还找到了 Haskell 的例子,但我无法弄清楚它们。
def futu [F[_]: Functor, X]: (X => Free[F, X] ) => X => Fix[F]
def histo [F[_]: Functor, X]: (Cofree[F, X] => X) => Fix[F] => X
def ana [F[_]: Functor, X]: (X => F[X]) => X => Fix[F]
def dynamo[F[_]: Functor, A, B]: (A => F[A], Cofree[F, B] => B) => A => B =
(coalg, alg) => ana(coalg) andThen histo(alg)
任何人都可以给出一些很好的 Scala 使用示例吗
Recall futu 一次产生多个步骤,histo 一次消耗多个步骤。
// given the following function computes the adjacency list of an algebraic graph
def toAdj[V] = cata[[X] =>> Graph[V, X], Map[V, Set[V]]]{
case Empty => Map()
case Vertex(a) => Map(a -> Set())
case Overlay(l, r) => l.mergeWith(r)(_ | _)
case Connect(l, r) => l.mergeWith(r)(_ | _)
.mergeWith(l.keySet.map((_, r.keySet)).toMap)(_ | _)
// this function creates an algebraic graph from an adjacency matrix
def fromAdj[K, V] = futu[[X] =>> Graph[V, X], Iterable[(V, Set[V])]]{
case (v, nbs)::tail => Overlay(Free.Pure(tail), Free.Bind(
nbs.foldLeft(Free.Bind(Empty))((t, k) => Free.Bind(Overlay(t, Free.Bind(Vertex(k))))))))
case Nil => Empty
// A simple algebraic graph constructor
def path[V] = futu[[X] =>> Graph[V, X], Iterable[V]]{
case x::y::Nil => Connect(Free.Bind(Vertex(x)), Free.Bind(Vertex(y)))
case x::y::tail => Overlay(Free.Pure(x::y::Nil), Free.Pure(y::tail))
case _ => Empty
// Converting a Tree instead
def tree[V] = futu[[X] =>> Graph[V, X], Tree[V]]{
case Fix((v, Nil)) => Vertex(v)
case Fix((v, xs)) =>
val leaves = xs.collect[Free[[X] =>> Graph[V, X], Tree[V]]]{case Fix((s, _)) => Free.Bind(Vertex(s))}
val branches = xs.collect[Free[[X] =>> Graph[V, X], Tree[V]]]{case x @ Fix((_, cs)) if cs.nonEmpty => Free.Pure(x)}
val level = Connect(Free.Bind(Vertex(v)),
leaves.tail.foldLeft(leaves.head)((t, x) => Free.Bind(Overlay(t, x))))
if branches.isEmpty then level
else Overlay(Free.Bind(level),
branches.tail.foldRight(branches.head)((x, t) => Free.Bind(Overlay(t, x))))
Python 中的斐波那契
def fib_alg(fh):
if isinstance(fh, Z): return 1
elif isinstance(fh.pred.fa, Z): return 1
else: return fh.pred.a + fh.pred.fa.pred.a
作为参考,futu 和 cata 的定义(chrono 是它们的组合)
def futu[F[_] : Functor, A](coalg: A => F[Free[F, A]])(a: A): Fix[F] =
def picking(ff: Free[F, A]): Fix[F] = ff match
case Free.Pure(a) => futu(coalg)(a)
case Free.Bind(ff) => Fix(ff.map(picking))
def histo[F[_] : Functor, A](alg: F[CoFree[F, A]] => A)(fix: Fix[F]): A =
def bundling(fix: Fix[F]): CoFree[F, A] =
CoFree(histo(alg)(fix), fix.unFix.map(bundling))