好吧,我不是一个寻求帮助的人,但我已经为一项想要在私人 OpenAI Whisper 项目中实现的功能而苦苦挣扎了好几天。简而言之,我正在做一个项目来自动化一切,包括基于计算机性能的人工智能模型选择。我仅使用 powershell 语言执行此操作。
目标是在计算机上获得最好的显卡,获得 GB 的 VRAM 并告诉我的脚本可以,采用这个模型。
来获取计算机上的活动图形卡,然后,我的印象是您无法使用 Get-CimInstance
找到 VRAM 值,所以我想我应该去注册表编辑器获取 HardwareInformation.qwMemorySize
键,然后进行 GB 转换。然后,为了查明该卡是否处于活动状态并避免它从我这里获取值,我想对 Win32_VideoController
的“名称”值与 DriverDesc
# Function to convert VRAM size to GB
function ConvertTo-GB {
param (
return [math]::round($bytes / 1GB)
# Recover all graphics cards except Microsoft Remote Display Adapter
$gpus = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_VideoController | Where-Object {
$_.Name -notmatch "Microsoft Remote Display Adapter" -and $_.Status -eq "OK"
# Initialize variables
$maxVRAM = 0
$selectedGPU = $null
# Retrieve HardwareInformation.qwMemorySize and DriverDesc values from the registry
$keyPath = "HKLM:\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0*"
$registryValues = Get-ItemProperty -Path $keyPath -Name HardwareInformation.qwMemorySize,DriverDesc -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Browse all graphics cards to find the one with the largest VRAM
foreach ($gpu in $gpus) {
# Check that the DriverDesc property is set
if ($gpu.DriverDesc -ne $null) {
# Find the corresponding value of HardwareInformation.qwMemorySize
$registryValue = $registryValues | Where-Object { $_.DriverDesc.Trim().ToLower() -eq $gpu.DriverDesc.Trim().ToLower() }
if ($registryValue -ne $null) {
$qwMemorySize = $registryValue.HardwareInformation.qwMemorySize[0]
if ($qwMemorySize -ne $null) {
$vram = ConvertTo-GB -bytes $qwMemorySize
Write-Host "Found VRAM for $($gpu.Name): $vram GB"
} else {
Write-Warning "Unable to retrieve VRAM for $($gpu.Name) from registry key: $keyPath"
$vram = 0
} else {
Write-Warning "Unable to find registry value for $($gpu.Name) with DriverDesc: $($gpu.DriverDesc)"
$vram = 0
} else {
Write-Warning "DriverDesc is not defined for $($gpu.Name)"
$vram = 0
# Check if this board has the largest VRAM found
if ($vram -gt $maxVRAM) {
$maxVRAM = $vram
$selectedGPU = $gpu
# Check if a graphics card has been selected
if ($selectedGPU -eq $null) {
Write-Warning "No suitable GPU found."
$model = "none"
$selectedGPUName = "None"
} else {
# Select the appropriate model according to VRAM quantity
switch ($maxVRAM) {
{ $_ -lt 2 } { $model = "base" }
{ $_ -lt 5 } { $model = "small" }
{ $_ -lt 10 } { $model = "medium" }
default { $model = "large-v3" }
$selectedGPUName = $selectedGPU.Caption
# Display selected model and VRAM quantity
$result = [PSCustomObject] @{
Model = $selectedGPUName
"VRAM, GB" = $maxVRAM
"Selected Model" = $model
$result | Format-Table -AutoSize
# Use the selected template for your Whisper project
Write-Host "Model $model selected for your Whisper project with $maxVRAM Go of VRAM"
命令,它为我们提供了活动显卡(如果有)的数组,包括 VRAM 总数。
然后,我在 AI 的帮助下完全修改了代码,如果它没有检测到 GPU,它会自动采用“小”模型。
# Initialize the model and VRAM size
$model = "small"
$vram = 0
$gpuName = "Unknown"
# Retrieve information about the active graphics card
try {
$nvidiaSmiOutput = nvidia-smi --query-gpu=memory.total --format=csv,noheader
if ($nvidiaSmiOutput -ne $null) {
# Retrieve the VRAM size of the active graphics card in megabytes (MB)
$vram = [math]::round($nvidiaSmiOutput.Trim() -replace " MiB", "")
# Select the appropriate model based on the VRAM size
switch ($vram) {
{ $_ -lt 2048 } { $model = "base" }
{ $_ -lt 5120 } { $model = "small" }
{ $_ -lt 10240 } { $model = "medium" }
default { $model = "large-v3" }
# Retrieve the name of the active graphics card
$gpuName = (nvidia-smi --query-gpu=name --format=csv,noheader).Trim()
} catch {
# Set the model to "small" by default if an error occurs
Write-Warning "Failed to retrieve GPU information. Using default model 'small'."
# Display the selected model and VRAM size
$result = [PSCustomObject] @{
Model = $gpuName
"VRAM, MiB" = $vram
"Selected Model" = $model
$result | Format-Table -AutoSize
# Use the selected model for your Whisper project
Write-Host "Model $model selected for your Whisper project with $vram MiB of VRAM"