Web RTC:远程视频不显示

问题描述 投票:0回答:1



<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <div id="Main" style="height: 100%; background-color: rgb(156, 177, 255)">
          display: flex;
          flex-direction: row;
          justify-content: space-evenly;
          align-items: center;
          height: 50%;
          background-color:rgb(0, 102, 255);
        <video id="local-video"  style="width: 50%; height: 100%; border: solid white 2px;" autoplay playsinline></video>
        <video id="remote-video" style="width: 50%; height: 100%; border: solid black 2px;" autoplay playsinline></video>
        <p id="Room-Information" ></p>
        <button id="New-Chat" > New Chat</button>
      <div id="user-name"></div>
    <script src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/peerjs.min.js"></script>
    <script src="https://cdn.socket.io/4.7.5/socket.io.min.js" integrity="sha384-2huaZvOR9iDzHqslqwpR87isEmrfxqyWOF7hr7BY6KG0+hVKLoEXMPUJw3ynWuhO" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
    <script src="./client.js"></script>


let localStream;
let remoteStream;
let remoteRandomId;
let myPeerConnection;
let roomName;
let offer_;
let answer_;
let randomId;
let didIOffer = false;
const localVideoEl = document.querySelector("#local-video");
const remoteVideoEl = document.querySelector("#remote-video");
const showVideoButton = document.querySelector("#showVideo");

let remoteIceCandidate;

let mediaConstraints = {
  //audio: true,
  video: {
    width: 1080,
    height: 540,

if (!window.sessionStorage.getItem("randomId")) {
  randomId = "randomId-" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000);
  window.sessionStorage.setItem("randomId", randomId);

const socket = io.connect(`http://localhost:5010`, {
  auth: {
    randomId: window.sessionStorage.getItem("randomId"),

document.getElementById("New-Chat").addEventListener("click", () => {
  console.log(`New-Chat Button Clicked \n`);

  socket.emit("find-partner", {
    randomId: randomId,


socket.on("room-joined", (data) => {
  console.log(JSON.stringify(data), " - data , listening to room-joined event");
  for (const i of data.participants) {
    if (i.randomId !== window.sessionStorage.getItem("randomId")) {
      remoteRandomId = i.randomId;
      window.sessionStorage.setItem("remoteRandomId", remoteRandomId);
  roomName = data.roomName;
  window.sessionStorage.setItem("roomName", roomName);
  window.sessionStorage.setItem("remoteRandomId", remoteRandomId);

const call = () => {
  if (myPeerConnection) {
    alert("You cannot start a call because you have got already one open\n");
  } else {
      .then((localStream) => {
        localVideoEl.srcObject = localStream;
          .forEach((track) => myPeerConnection.addTrack(track, localStream));
      .catch((error) => {
        console.log(`${error} --- error happened while adding tracks \n`);

function createPeerConnection() {
  myPeerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection({
    iceServers: [
        urls: [

  myPeerConnection.onicecandidate = handleICECandidateEvent;
  myPeerConnection.ontrack = handleTrackEvent;
  myPeerConnection.onnegotiationneeded = handleNegotiationNeededEvent;
  myPeerConnection.oniceconnectionstatechange =


function handleICECandidateEvent(e) {
  console.log("...Ice candidate found!....");
  console.log(e, " e in handleICECandidate");
  if (e.candiate) {
    socket.emit("new-ice-candidate", {
      target: remoteRandomId,
      candiate: e.candidate,

function handleTrackEvent(ev) {
  console.log(`new track coming in , ev -- ${JSON.stringify(ev)}`);
  /*if (ev.streams && ev.streams[0]) {
    remoteVideoEl.srcObject = ev.streams[0];
  } else {
    remoteStream = new MediaStream(ev.track);
    remoteVideoEl.srcObject = remoteStream;
  if (!remoteStream) {
    remoteStream = new MediaStream();
  console.log("Track kind:", ev.track.kind); // "audio" or "video"
  remoteVideoEl.srcObject = remoteStream;

function handleNegotiationNeededEvent() {
  myPeerConnection.createOffer().then((offer) => {
    offer_ = offer;
      `setting local description as offer --- ${JSON.stringify(offer)} \n`
    return myPeerConnection
      .then(() => {
          " localDescription after it was set to offer"
        const msg = {
          randomId: window.sessionStorage.getItem("randomId"),
          remoteRandomId: window.sessionStorage.getItem("remoteRandomId"),
          description: "offer",
          sdp: myPeerConnection.localDescription, //this becomes null, dont know why

        socket.emit("video-offer", msg);
      .catch((error) => {
        console.log(`ran into error when creating offer - ${error}`);
      }); //sdp

function handleICEConnectionStateChangeEvent(event) {
  console.log(myPeerConnection.iceConnectionState , "---iceConnectionState---")
  switch (myPeerConnection.iceConnectionState) {
    case "closed":
    case "failed":

socket.on("video-offer", (data) => {
  //in this case you are the callee....
  console.log(`${JSON.stringify(data)} --- from the caller `);
  if (data.remoteRandomId === window.sessionStorage.getItem("randomId")) {
    //you are the callee

    console.log("call intended for you , you are the callee");

    let remoteRandomId_;
    remoteRandomId_ = data.remoteRandomId;

    const desc = new RTCSessionDescription(data.sdp);

      .then(() => navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(mediaConstraints))
      .then((stream) => {
        localStream = stream;
        localVideoEl.srcObject = localStream;

          .forEach((track) => myPeerConnection.addTrack(track, localStream));
      .then(() => myPeerConnection.createAnswer())
      .then((answer) => {
        return myPeerConnection
          .then(() => {
              " localDescription after it was set to answer "
            const msg = {
              randomId: window.sessionStorage.getItem("randomId"),
              remoteRandomId: window.sessionStorage.getItem("remoteRandomId"),
              description: "answer",
              sdp: myPeerConnection.localDescription, //this becomes null, dont know why

            socket.emit("video-answer", msg);
          .catch((error) => console.log(`${error} ran into some error `));

socket.on("video-answer", async (msg) => {
  //in this case you are the caller...
  console.log(`listening to video-answer event -- ${JSON.stringify(msg)}   \n`);
  await myPeerConnection.setRemoteDescription(msg.sdp);

socket.on("new-ice-candidate", (msg) => {
  console.log(`listening to new-ice-candidate event`);


function handleNewICECandidateMsg(msg) {
      target: remoteRandomId,
      candiate: e.candidate,
    } this is going to be the format of the msg object 

  console.log(msg, `msg inside new-ice-candidate`);
  const candidate = new RTCIceCandidate(msg.candidate);
  myPeerConnection.addIceCandidate(candidate).catch((error) => {
    console.log(`${error} happened while adding ice candidates `);


import fs from "fs";
import express from "express";
import { createServer } from "http";
import { Server } from "socket.io";
const app = express();
const server = createServer(app);

let allUniqueUsers = new Set();
const io = new Server(server, {
  cors: {
    origin: [
    methods: ["GET", "POST"],

io.on("connection", (socket) => {
  socket.on("find-partner", async (data) => {
    console.log(`listening to the find-partner event  ${JSON.stringify(socket.handshake.auth)}  \n`);
    const allActiveSockets = await io.fetchSockets();

    for (const i of allActiveSockets) {
      console.log(i.handshake.auth.randomId , "randomId in loop" , socket.handshake.auth.randomId , " current random Id")
      if (i.handshake.auth.randomId !== socket.handshake.auth.randomId && socket.inRoom === undefined ) {
        const allRooms = io.sockets.adapter.rooms;
        if (!i.inRoom) {
          createRoom(socket, i);

  socket.on("video-offer" , async (msg) => {
    /*some socket is sending the sdp relay to the receiver ---task 
    send it to the callee...*/

    console.log(`listening to video-offer event --- ${JSON.stringify(msg)}`);

    const allActiveSockets = await io.fetchSockets();
    for ( const i of allActiveSockets) {
      console.log(`${i.handshake.auth.randomId} --- randomId in loop ${msg.randomId} -- sender's randomId`)
      if (i.handshake.auth.randomId !== msg.randomId) {
        i.emit("video-offer", msg);

  } )


  socket.on("new-ice-candidate", async (data) => {

    //where to send this???
    //send the delivered ice candidate information to the target ( also there in the data)

    console.log(`listening to new-ice-candidate event \n`);

    const allActiveSockets = await io.fetchSockets();

    for ( const i of allActiveSockets) {
      if (i.handshake.auth.randomId === data.target) {
           socket.emit("new-ice-candidate", data);

  socket.on("video-answer", async (data) => {
    const allActiveSockets = await io.fetchSockets();
    for (const i of allActiveSockets) {
      if (i.handshake.auth.randomId === data.remoteRandomId) {
        i.emit("video-answer", data);



function createRoom(callerSocketObject, calleeSocketObject) {
  let currentRandomId = callerSocketObject.handshake.auth.randomId;
  let randomId = calleeSocketObject.handshake.auth.randomId;

  let roomName =
    currentRandomId > randomId
      ? `${currentRandomId}:${randomId}`
      : `${randomId}:${currentRandomId}`;

  callerSocketObject.inRoom = true;
  calleeSocketObject.inRoom = true;

  io.to(roomName).emit("room-joined", {
    roomName: roomName,
    participants: [
        randomId: currentRandomId,
        type: "sender",
      { randomId: randomId, type: "receiver" },

const PORT = 5010;

server.listen(PORT, () => {
  console.log(`server listening on port ${PORT} `);
javascript node.js sockets webrtc


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