我有一个包含 2 种资产价格及其比率 (A/B) 的 Z 分数的数据框,并且正在尝试进行简单的回测,并生成当 Z 分数 < -2 (long ratio) or Z score > +2(空头比率)时进入的配对比率交易的信号,并且当 Z 分数 >= -0.1 或 Z 分数 <= 0.1 respectively.
时展开(index) Asset A Asset B Z Score Column I need
2023-01-05 33400.0 45.6781 -2.002516 Entry (long)
2023-01-06 34050.0 46.5457 -1.952896
2023-01-09 34800.0 48.0222 -2.157506
2023-01-10 35150.0 48.2774 -1.988247
2023-01-11 35600.0 48.6792 -1.856716
2023-02-21 37900.0 50.8524 -0.728916
2023-02-22 36600.0 49.7823 -1.021323
2023-02-23 37850.0 51.6347 -1.071015
2023-02-24 39300.0 50.7727 0.171235 Exit (long)
2023-02-27 38700.0 50.2548 0.050697
2023-02-28 38350.0 49.9594 -0.023634
对于退出条件,如果由于 Z 分数 > 2(空头比率入场)而有入场,则当 Z 分数为 <= 0.1 and if the entry was triggered by Z score < -2 (long ratio entry) then exit when Z score is >= -0.1 时退出 区分交易是哪种类型的入场和退出非常重要。
我不确定如何对其进行矢量化,因为我当前正在使用带有位置变量的 for 循环来在迭代每一行时进行跟踪。理想情况下,我需要的列应该只指定多头/空头比率进入和退出
此问题通常无法矢量化,因为标志的状态取决于先前的状态。例如,仓位 n 可以有一个“多头”标志,但这取决于仓位 n-5 是否也可以进行持续交易,而交易本身可能取决于仓位 n-12 等。
from numba import jit
def flag(a):
ratio = None
out = []
for x in a:
if ratio is None:
if x > 2:
ratio = 'long'
out.append('Entry (long)')
elif x < -2:
ratio = 'short'
out.append('Entry (short)')
if ratio == 'long' and x <= 0.01:
out.append('Exit (long)')
ratio = None
elif ratio == 'short' and x >= -0.01:
out.append('Exit (short)')
ratio = None
return out
df['output'] = flag(df['Z Score'].to_numpy())
Asset A Asset B Z Score output
2023-01-05 33400.0 45.6781 -2.002516 Entry (short)
2023-01-06 34050.0 46.5457 -1.952896 None
2023-01-09 34800.0 48.0222 -2.157506 None
2023-01-10 35150.0 48.2774 -1.988247 None
2023-01-11 35600.0 48.6792 -1.856716 None
2023-02-21 37900.0 50.8524 -0.728916 None
2023-02-22 36600.0 49.7823 -1.021323 None
2023-02-23 37850.0 51.6347 -1.071015 None
2023-02-24 39300.0 50.7727 0.171235 Exit (short)
2023-02-27 38700.0 50.2548 0.050697 None
2023-02-28 38350.0 49.9594 -0.023634 None