Error in results[i, j] <- purrr::map_dbl(quantile(res[i, j, ], probs = c(0.025, : number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
#the data
res <- structure(c(15.5782878399256, 1.96934035595117, 0.200343692642543,
0.871510655485173, 17.2682837511044, 0.66041093390068, -0.511567198342732,
1.29802802862954, 14.8385457149254, 2.13218438628733, 0.562995626888043,
0.590605706350054, 17.7278518630607, 0.969587340270382, -0.244104144510527,
0.81626749897487, 13.6035736799169, 2.8514028662032, 0.245060828129327,
0.769277990479192, 17.861084907096, 1.24191875216756, -0.682692716469404,
0.979774642660928, 16.1742729291693, 2.2689054962442, 0.368872835662668,
0.213605569846145, 17.5504922976792, 0.607365171022073, -0.312174464330811,
0.918963681182121, 14.1982438110978, 2.14689175512824, 0.205770576226154,
1.08915659087064, 16.6044760172988, 0.91587119402875, -0.477062203063226,
1.31722296414953), dim = c(4L, 2L, 5L),
dimnames = list(c("tint", "psy", "ext", "new"), c("ct", "ci"), NULL))
#the variables
Xq <- c('tint', 'psy', 'ext', 'new')
Yq <- c('ct', 'ci')
#the script
results <- matrix(nrow=(length(Xq) * length(Yq)), ncol=length(Yq))
for (i in seq_along(Xq)){
for (j in seq_along(Yq)){
print(purrr::map_dbl(quantile(res[i, j, ], probs = c(0.025, 0.975)), purrr::pluck))
results[i, j] = purrr::map_dbl(quantile(res[i, j, ], probs = c(0.025, 0.975)), purrr::pluck) # where the error lies
quantile(res["tint", "ct", ], probs = c(0.025, 0.975)) # test output