我一直在尝试绘制一个 cloropleth 地图。我取得了一些进展,但我现在被困住了。 这个想法是绘制巴西地图,并根据 2021 年暴力故意死亡人数对每个州进行颜色编码。
State <- c("SP", "SC", "DF", "MG", "RS", "MS", "PR", "AC", "PI","TO", "MT", "RO", "GO", "RJ", "ES", "MA", "PB", "AL", "RN", "PA", "SE", "PE", "RR", "CE", "AM", "BA", "AP")
VID <- c(7.9, 10.1, 11.2, 11.4, 15.9, 20.7, 20.8, 21.2, 23.8, 24.3, 24.9, 25.0, 26.1, 27.2, 28.2, 28.3, 28.6, 31.8, 32.4, 32.8, 33.9, 34.8, 35.5, 37.0, 39.1, 44.9, 53.8)
VIDBrazil <- data.frame(State, VID)
来自巴西的 geoJSON 数据文件我从这个Brasil JSON 文件中获取
State <- c("SP", "SC", "DF", "MG", "RS", "MS", "PR", "AC", "PI","TO", "MT", "RO", "GO", "RJ", "ES", "MA", "PB", "AL", "RN", "PA", "SE", "PE", "RR", "CE", "AM", "BA", "AP")
VID <- c(7.9, 10.1, 11.2, 11.4, 15.9, 20.7, 20.8, 21.2, 23.8, 24.3, 24.9, 25.0, 26.1, 27.2, 28.2, 28.3, 28.6, 31.8, 32.4, 32.8, 33.9, 34.8, 35.5, 37.0, 39.1, 44.9, 53.8)
VIDBrazil <- data.frame(State, VID)
spdf_Brasil <- geojson_read("C:/Users/Giovanni/Desktop/R/brazil_geo.json", what = "sp") #Import JSON file
spdf_Brasil_A<- tidy(spdf_Brasil) #Convert to data frame
ggplot() + #plot the map
geom_polygon(data = spdf_Brasil_A, aes( x = long, y = lat, group = group), fill="#69b3a2", color="white") +
theme_void() +
spdf_Brasil_MVI <- spdf_Brasil_A %>% #add the values of deaths to use for color coding the map
left_join(. , VIDBrazil, by=c("id"="State"))
ggplot() + #ploting with color coding
geom_polygon(data = spdf_Brasil_MVI, aes( x = long, y = lat, group = group, fill= VID), color="green") +
theme_void() +
scale_fill_gradient(name = "Mortes por 100 mil habitantes", low = "#fdc0b2", high = "#9a1f03", limits = c(0, 60.0)) +