我正在尝试使用 Redshift JDBC 驱动程序将 DataFrame 从 Spark (PySpark) 写入 Amazon Redshift Serverless 集群。
• java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver
• java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.amazon.redshift.jdbc42.Driver
1. Setup:
• Spark version: (e.g., Spark 3.3.1)
• Hadoop AWS packages: --packages org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-aws:3.3.1,com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-bundle:1.11.901
• Redshift JDBC driver: RedshiftJDBC42- downloaded from Amazon’s official site.
2. spark-submit command:
--conf Spark.driver.bindAddress=
--conf Spark.driver.host=
--驱动程序内存 4g
--packages org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-aws:3.3.1,com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-bundle:1.11.901
--jars /path/to/RedshiftJDBC42-
--driver-class-path /path/to/RedshiftJDBC42-
我尝试添加 --driver-class-path 以便驱动程序对驱动程序可见。 JAR 文件肯定存在于指定的路径中。
3. In the Python Code:
jdbc_url =“jdbc:redshift://:5439/dev” (df.write .format("jdbc") .option("url",jdbc_url) .option("dbtable", "public.my_staging_table") .option("用户", os.environ["REDSHIFT_USER"]) .option("密码", os.environ["REDSHIFT_PASSWORD"]) .option("驱动程序", "com.amazon.redshift.jdbc42.Driver") .mode("追加") .保存())
代码运行良好,直到 .save() 步骤,此时我得到 No合适的驱动程序或 Redshift 驱动程序类的 ClassNotFoundException。
• The Redshift JDBC driver class should be com.amazon.redshift.jdbc42.Driver.
• I’ve seen suggestions to use --driver-class-path plus --jars to ensure the driver is on both driver and executor classpaths.
• If I remove --driver-class-path, I sometimes get ClassNotFoundException. With it, I still get No suitable driver.
• My AWS credentials and S3 reading works fine (I can read JSON from S3). The problem occurs only at the JDBC write to Redshift step.
• Is there another configuration step needed to ensure Spark recognizes the Redshift driver?
• Do I need to specify any additional spark configs for the JDBC driver?
• Are there known compatibility issues with this Redshift driver version and Spark/Hadoop versions?
• Should I consider a different Redshift driver JAR or a different approach (like spark-redshift or redshift-jdbc42-no-awssdk JAR)?
任何有关解决在 Spark 中通过 JDBC 写入 Redshift 时出现的 No合适的驱动程序和 ClassNotFoundException 错误的指导,我们将不胜感激。
在您的 jdbc_url 中,jdbc:redshift://:5439/dev、主机和数据库部分丢失。
JDBC URL 必须采用以下形式: