create-function 相关问题

Laravel POST 方法返回状态:405 不允许在 POST 方法上使用方法

请查找以下信息: NoteController.php 请查找以下信息: NoteController.php <?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use App\Http\Requests\NoteRequest; use App\Models\Note; use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse; class NoteController extends Controller { public function index():JsonResponse { $notes = Note::all(); return response()->json($notes, 200); } public function store(NoteRequest $request):JsonResponse { $note = Note::create( $request->all() ); return response()->json([ 'success' => true, 'data' => $note ], 201); } public function show($id):JsonResponse { $note = Note::find($id); return response()->json($note, 200); } public function update(NoteRequest $request, $id):JsonResponse { $note = Note::find($id); $note->update($request->all()); return response()->json([ 'success' => true, 'data' => $note, ], 200); } public function destroy($id):JsonResponse { Note::find($id)->delete(); return response()->json([ 'success' => true ], 200); } } NoteRequest.php <?php namespace App\Http\Requests; use Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest; class NoteRequest extends FormRequest { public function authorize() { return true; } public function rules() { return [ 'title', 'required|max:255|min:3', 'content', 'nullable|max:255|min:10', ]; } } Note.php(模型) <?php namespace App\Models; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; class Note extends Model { use HasFactory; protected $guarded = []; } api.php <?php use App\Http\Controllers\NoteController; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route; Route::prefix('v1')->group(function () { Route::resource('/note', NoteController::class); }); php artisan 路线:列表 GET|HEAD / ...................................................................................................................... POST _ignition/execute-solution ............... ignition.executeSolution › Spatie\LaravelIgnition › ExecuteSolutionController GET|HEAD _ignition/health-check ........................... ignition.healthCheck › Spatie\LaravelIgnition › HealthCheckController POST _ignition/update-config ........................ ignition.updateConfig › Spatie\LaravelIgnition › UpdateConfigController GET|HEAD api/v1/note .......................................................................... note.index › NoteController@index POST api/v1/note .......................................................................... › NoteController@store GET|HEAD api/v1/note/create ................................................................. note.create › NoteController@create GET|HEAD api/v1/note/{note} ..................................................................... › NoteController@show PUT|PATCH api/v1/note/{note} ................................................................. note.update › NoteController@update DELETE api/v1/note/{note} ............................................................... note.destroy › NoteController@destroy GET|HEAD api/v1/note/{note}/edit ................................................................ note.edit › NoteController@edit GET|HEAD sanctum/csrf-cookie .................................. sanctum.csrf-cookie › Laravel\Sanctum › CsrfCookieController@show 迅雷请求(同邮递员) JSON 请求 { "title": "Hello World", "content": "Lorem ipsum." } 尝试发出 JSON POST 请求并获取状态:405 方法不允许并且我正在使用 php artisan 服务,如果需要,我可以提供 GIT 项目。请告诉我。 您的验证规则看起来不正确。在您的 NoteRequest 类中,规则应该是一个关联数组,其中键是字段名称,值是验证规则。但是,在您的代码中,规则被定义为以逗号分隔的字符串列表。这可能会导致验证失败并返回 405 Method Not allowed 错误。 public function rules() { return [ 'title' => 'required|max:255|min:3', 'content' => 'nullable|max:255|min:10', ]; }

Pinia 对象在 Vue 中的 foreach 后失去反应性

我有这个嵌套的foreach BalanceItemList.vue ... 我有这个嵌套的 foreach BalanceItemList.vue <template> <div v-for="category in categoryItemsStore.balanceCategories" :key="" class="mt-5"> <div class="border-black border-b bg-gray-200"> <span class="font-bold w-full">{{ }}</span> </div> <div v-for="balanceItem in category.balance_items" :key=""> {{ = 500 }} <balance-item :balance-item="balanceItem" @update-balance-item="update"/> </div> <div> <balance-item-create :category="" @create-balance-item="update"/> </div> <div v-if="categoryItemsStore.totals[]" class="grid grid-cols-4-b t-2 ml-2"> <div :class="category.is_positive ? '': 'text-red-600' " class="col-start-4 border-t-2 border-black font-bold"> &euro;{{ categoryItemsStore.totals[].total }} </div> </div> </div> </template> 我像这样检查了“balanceItem”的反应性 {{ = 500 }} 它在商店中更新,但随后我有了我的平衡项目组件: BalanceItem.vue <script setup> import {reactive} from "vue"; import {useForm} from "@inertiajs/vue3"; import NumberInput from "@/Components/NumberInput.vue"; import {UseCategoryItemsStore} from "@/Stores/UseCategoryItemsStore.js"; const categoryItemStore = UseCategoryItemsStore() const props = defineProps({balanceItem: Object, errors: Object}) let item = reactive(props.balanceItem); const form = useForm(item); const emit = defineEmits(['update-balance-item']) const submit = () => {'balance-item.update'), { preserveScroll: true, onSuccess: () => { = 500 categoryItemStore.updateBalanceItemsTotals(form) emit('update-balance-item') } }) } </script> <template> <form @submit.prevent="submit"> <div class="grid grid-cols-4-b"> <span>{{ }}</span> <NumberInput v-model="form.count" autofocus class=" mr-4 mt-1 block" type="number" @update:model-value="submit" /> <div :class="item.item_category.is_positive ? '' : 'text-red-600'" class="flex place-items-center"> <div class="pt-1 mr-1">&euro;</div> <NumberInput v-model="form.amount" :class="form.errors.amount ? 'border-red-600' : ''" autofocus class="mt-1 mr-4 w-5/6" type="text" @update:model-value="submit" /> </div> <div :class="item.item_category.is_positive ? '' : 'text-red-600'" class="flex place-items-center"> <div class="pt-1 mr-1 w-5/6">&euro;</div> <NumberInput v-model="" autofocus class="mt-1 block" disabled style="max-width: 95%" type="text" /> </div> </div> </form> </template> 这是我测试反应性的商店。如果我增加输入的数字,则项目的计数保持不变 UseCategoryItemsStore.js import {defineStore} from "pinia"; import {ref} from "vue"; export const UseCategoryItemsStore = defineStore('UseCategoryItemsStore', () => { const balanceCategories = ref([]) const totals = ref([]) function getBalanceItems() { axios.get(route('balance-item.index')).then((response) => { balanceCategories.value = // console.log(balanceCategories.value) }) } function getTotals() { axios.get(route('balance-item.totals')).then((response) => totals.value = } function getData() { getTotals() getBalanceItems() } function updateBalanceItemsTotals(selectedItem) { balanceCategories.value.forEach((category) => { category.balance_items.forEach((item) => { if ( === { // = item.count * item.amount console.log(item) } }) }) } getTotals() getBalanceItems() return {balanceCategories, totals, getBalanceItems, getTotals, getData, updateBalanceItemsTotals} }) 在此测试中,我执行“ = 500”。但如果我检查商店,它不会更新。看来将“balanceItem”分配给一个道具会失去与我的 Pinia 商店的反应性。我可以使用“ = form.count * form.amount”手动更新我的表单,但这对我来说似乎很老套,我想使用 Pinia 商店的反应性。我考虑过根据“BalanceItem”获取 Pina 项目,但这似乎也很棘手。谁知道为什么失去反应性? 我有laravel 10.39、vue3.2.41和pinia 2.1.17惯性0.6.11。到目前为止我知道的所有最新版本。 我像这样更新我的表格和商店: <script setup> import {useForm} from "@inertiajs/vue3"; import NumberInput from "@/Components/NumberInput.vue"; import {UseCategoryItemsStore} from "@/Stores/UseCategoryItemsStore.js"; const categoryItemStore = UseCategoryItemsStore() const props = defineProps({balanceItem: Object, errors: Object}) let item = categoryItemStore.getItemById(props.balanceItem); let form = useForm(item); const emit = defineEmits(['update-balance-item']) const submit = () => {'balance-item.update'), { preserveScroll: true, onSuccess: () => { item = categoryItemStore.updateItem(form) form = useForm(item) emit('update-balance-item') } }) } </script> 我将此功能添加到我的商店: import {defineStore} from "pinia"; import {ref} from "vue"; export const UseCategoryItemsStore = defineStore('UseCategoryItemsStore', () => { const balanceCategories = ref([]) const totals = ref([]) function getBalanceItems() { axios.get(route('balance-item.index')).then((response) => { balanceCategories.value = // console.log(balanceCategories.value) }) } function getItemById(item) { let category = balanceCategories.value.find((category) => { return === item.item_category_id }) return category.balance_items.find((item_from_store) => { return === }) } function updateItem(form) { const item = getItemById(form) item.count = form.count item.amount = form.amount = item.count * item.amount return item } function getTotals() { axios.get(route('balance-item.totals')).then((response) => totals.value = } function getData() { getTotals() getBalanceItems() } getTotals() getBalanceItems() return {balanceCategories, totals, getBalanceItems, getTotals, getData, getItemById, updateItem} }) 假设如果帖子获得 200,我的表单值可用于更新商店和更新表单。这是我能想到的最好的

Laravel 中的策略对我不起作用,这是我的代码

我无法让策略在我的 Laravel 项目中工作,我安装了一个新项目来从头开始测试,我有这个控制器: 我无法让策略在我的 Laravel 项目中工作,我安装了一个新项目来从头开始测试,我有这个控制器: <?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use App\Http\Controllers\Controller; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use App\Models\User; class UserController extends Controller { public function index() { $this->authorize('viewAny', auth()->user()); return response("Hello world"); } } 本政策: <?php namespace App\Policies; use Illuminate\Auth\Access\Response; use App\Models\User; class UserPolicy { public function viewAny(User $user): bool { return true; } } 这是我的模型 <?php namespace App\Models; // use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\MustVerifyEmail; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory; use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable; use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable; use Laravel\Sanctum\HasApiTokens; class User extends Authenticatable { use HasApiTokens, HasFactory, Notifiable; /** * The attributes that are mass assignable. * * @var array<int, string> */ protected $fillable = [ 'name', 'email', 'password', ]; /** * The attributes that should be hidden for serialization. * * @var array<int, string> */ protected $hidden = [ 'password', 'remember_token', ]; /** * The attributes that should be cast. * * @var array<string, string> */ protected $casts = [ 'email_verified_at' => 'datetime', 'password' => 'hashed', ]; } 我收到错误 403:此操作未经授权。我希望有人能帮助我解决我的问题。谢谢你 我也尝试过修改AuthServiceProvider文件,但没有任何改变。 必须在 App\Providers\AuthServiceProvider 中添加您的策略吗? protected $policies = [ User::class => UserPolicy::class ]; 您需要指定您正在使用的模型。具体来说,就是User。因此,传递当前登录的用户: $this->authorize('viewAny', auth()->user()); 此外,您正在尝试验证用户是否有权访问该页面。确保尝试访问该页面的人是用户,以便策略可以授权或不授权。 要在没有入门套件的情况下进行测试,请创建一个用户并使用它登录。 <?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth; class UserController extends Controller { public function index() { $user = \App\Models\User::factory()->create(); Auth::login($user); $this->authorize('viewAny', auth()->user()); return response("Hello world"); } } 但是,如果您希望授予访客用户访问权限,您可以使用 ? 符号将 User 模型设为可选: public function viewAny(?User $user) { return true; }

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#include C中的DBU(Linux)程序在C中发送带有目的地的信号。代码如下: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <dbus/dbus.h> #include <unistd.h> /** * Connect to the DBUS bus and send a broadcast signal */ void sendsignal(DBusConnection* conn, char* sigvalue) { DBusMessage* msg; DBusMessageIter args; DBusError err; int ret; dbus_uint32_t serial = 0; printf("Sending signal with value %s\n", sigvalue); // create a signal & check for errors msg = dbus_message_new_signal("/test/signal/Object", // object name of the signal "test.signal.Type", // interface name of the signal "Test"); // name of the signal if (NULL == msg) { fprintf(stderr, "Message Null\n"); exit(1); } // set the destination of the signal dbus_message_set_destination(msg, "it.smartsecurity.dbus"); // append arguments onto signal dbus_message_iter_init_append(msg, &args); if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&args, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &sigvalue)) { fprintf(stderr, "Out Of Memory!\n"); exit(1); } // send the message and flush the connection if (!dbus_connection_send(conn, msg, &serial)) { fprintf(stderr, "Out Of Memory!\n"); exit(1); } dbus_connection_flush(conn); printf("Signal Sent\n"); // free the message and close the connection dbus_message_unref(msg); //dbus_connection_close(conn); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { DBusMessage* msg; DBusMessageIter args; DBusConnection* conn; DBusError err; int ret; // initialise the error value dbus_error_init(&err); // connect to the DBUS system bus, and check for errors conn = dbus_bus_get(DBUS_BUS_SYSTEM, &err); if (dbus_error_is_set(&err)) { fprintf(stderr, "Connection Error (%s)\n", err.message); dbus_error_free(&err); } if (NULL == conn) { exit(1); } // register our name on the bus, and check for errors ret = dbus_bus_request_name(conn, "it.smartsecurity.dbus", DBUS_NAME_FLAG_REPLACE_EXISTING , &err); if (dbus_error_is_set(&err)) { fprintf(stderr, "Name Error (%s)\n", err.message); dbus_error_free(&err); } if (DBUS_REQUEST_NAME_REPLY_PRIMARY_OWNER != ret) { exit(1); } do { sendsignal(conn, "CIAO"); sleep(1); } while (1); // dbus_connection_close(conn); return 0; } 然后用ZBUS板条箱写了Followng代码: use futures_util::stream::StreamExt; use zbus::{zvariant::OwnedObjectPath, proxy, Connection}; use zbus::zvariant::Value; #[proxy( default_service = "it.smartsecurity.dbus", default_path = "/test/signal/Object", interface = "test.signal.Type", )] trait Systemd1Manager { // Defines signature for D-Bus signal named `Test` #[zbus(signal)] fn test(&self, unit: String) -> zbus::Result<()>; // si deve chiamare come il segnale } async fn watch_systemd_jobs() -> zbus::Result<()> { let connection = Connection::system().await?; // `Systemd1ManagerProxy` is generated from `Systemd1Manager` trait let systemd_proxy = Systemd1ManagerProxy::builder(&connection) .destination("it.smartsecurity.dbus")? .path("/test/signal/Object")? .interface("test.signal.Type")? .build().await?; // Method `receive_job_new` is generated from `job_new` signal let mut new_jobs_stream = systemd_proxy.receive_test().await?; while let Some(msg) = { //dbg!(&msg); // struct `JobNewArgs` is generated from `job_new` signal function arguments let args = msg.args(); dbg!(&args); println!("====================="); // stampa il nome del servizio e il suo valore let x = msg.message().header(); let y = x.member(); if y.is_some() { println!("Header: {}", y.unwrap()); } dbg!(&y); let unit = args.unwrap().unit; println!("Param: {}", unit); } panic!("Stream ended unexpectedly"); } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { watch_systemd_jobs().await.unwrap(); } 我的问题是,此生锈代码不会捕获信号,我不明白我在做什么。 当您将总线消息发送到特定目的地时,它们不再是广播(与您的代码注释相反) - 仅将其发送到该目的地。接收此类信号。 在您的代码中,总线名称由发件人而不是接收器声明,因此发件人实际上将信号发送给本身。


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我有一个 Azure Function App,其中有两个函数在我的本地(Mac OS / Visual Studio Code / Node 20 / V4)上运行,在本地环境中测试时运行良好。 然而,一旦部署...


在尝试连接刚刚使用 create-react-app 创建的 React 前端时,在将 pact-lang-api 导入应用程序后运行 npm run start 时收到此错误消息: ./


我想在div滚动到视口时启动一个函数。我的问题是,每次我继续滚动时,该功能都会再次触发/启动。 HTML: <... 我想在 div 滚动到视口中时启动一个函数。我的问题是,每次我继续滚动时,该功能都会再次触发/启动。 HTML: <div class="box"></div> JS: $(document).ready(function() { function start() { alert("hello"); } $(window).scroll(function() { if ( $(window).scrollTop() >= $('.box').offset().top - ($(window).height() / 2)) { $(".box").addClass("green"); start(); } else { $(".box").removeClass("green"); } }); }); 总结一下:当div滚动到视口中时,应该启动“start”函数。但触发一次后就不能再触发了。 小提琴 您可以设置一个标志,例如: var started = false; function start() { if(!started) { alert("hello"); } started = true; } 演示 $(document).ready(function() { var started = 0; function start() { if(started==0) { alert("Alert only once"); } started = 1; } $(window).scroll(function() { if ( $(window).scrollTop() >= $('.box').offset().top - ($(window).height() / 2)) { $(".box").addClass("green"); start(); } else { $(".box").removeClass("green"); } }); }); *{margin:0;} .box { background: red; height: 200px; width: 100%; margin: 800px 0 800px 0; } .green { background: green; } <script src=""></script> <br /> <center> <br /> <h1>scroll down</h1> </center> <div class="box"></div> 有很多方法可以解决这个问题。您可以删除事件侦听器(因为您使用的是 jQuery,所以我将使用 on 和 off 方法): $(window).on('scroll', function() { if ( $(window).scrollTop() >= $('.box').offset().top - ($(window).height() / 2)) { $(".box").addClass("green"); start(); } else { $(".box").removeClass("green"); } $(window).off('scroll'); }); 如果你希望窗口滚动方法在启动方法满足要求后停止..你可以这样做 $(document).ready(function() { var toggleScroll = false; function start() { alert("hello"); } $(window).one("scroll", checkToggleScroll); function checkToggleScroll(){ if ( $(window).scrollTop() >= $('.box').offset().top - ($(window).height() / 2)) { $(".box").addClass("green"); toggleScroll = true; start(); } else { $(".box").removeClass("green"); } if(!toggleScroll){ $(window).one("scroll", checkToggleScroll); } } }); 当start()没有类$(".box)(在一定量的滚动后添加)时,只需运行"green"函数。 $(document).ready(function() { function start() { alert("hello"); } $(window).scroll(function() { if ($(window).scrollTop() >= $('.box').offset().top - ($(window).height() / 2)) { if (!$(".box").hasClass("green")) { $(".box").addClass("green"); start(); } } else { $(".box").removeClass("green"); } }); }); .box { background: red; height: 200px; width: 100%; margin: 800px 0 800px 0; } .green { background: green; } <script src=""></script> <div class="box"></div>

如何在 cockroachdb/postgresql 中执行相当于 ADD CONSTRAINT IF NOT EXISTS 的操作?

大多数 PostgreSQL 语句支持 IF NOT EXISTS 子句以允许幂等迁移,例如CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS foo .... 但 ALTER TABLE ... ADD CONSTRAINT 不存在。我怎样才能写...

在 ASP.NET Core 7 WebAPI 上运行 React-App 构建

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Azure Function App 无法启动 Docker 容器,原因是“Azure.RequestFailedException:指定的资源名称包含无效字符。”

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