异常 - 元素“System.Windows.Controls.Grid”的布局测量覆盖不应返回 NaN 值作为其 DesiredSize
我遇到了例外, 元素“System.Windows.Controls.Grid”的布局测量覆盖 不应返回 NaN 值作为其 DesiredSize。 堆栈跟踪 : 在 System.Windows.UIElement.M...
vuejs2 el-table-column 带有计算值的列属性
我是 VueJS 新手。我不知道如何在 ui-element 库的表中使用“计算”值。这是我尝试的方法: 我是 VueJS 新手。我不知道如何在 ui-element 库的表中使用“计算”值。这是我的尝试: <template> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <h4 class="title">Commandes en cours</h4> </div> <!--<div v-if="$can('manage-order')">You can manage order.</div>--> <div class="col-12"> <card title=""> <div> <div class="col-12 d-flex justify-content-center justify-content-sm-between flex-wrap"> <el-select class="select-default mb-3" style="width: 200px" v-model="pagination.perPage" placeholder="Per page"> <el-option class="select-default" v-for="item in pagination.perPageOptions" :key="item" :label="item" :value="item"> </el-option> </el-select> <el-input type="search" class="mb-3" style="width: 200px" placeholder="Search records" v-model="searchQuery" aria-controls="datatables"/> </div> <div class="col-sm-12"> <el-table stripe style="width: 100%;" :data="queriedData" border> <el-table-column v-for="column in tableColumns" :key="column.label" :min-width="column.minWidth" :prop="column.prop" :label="column.label"> </el-table-column> <el-table-column :min-width="120" fixed="right" label="Actions"> <template slot-scope="props"> <a v-tooltip.top-center="'Like'" class="btn-info btn-simple btn-link" @click="handleLike(props.$index, props.row)"> <i class="fa fa-heart"></i></a> <a v-tooltip.top-center="'Edit'" class="btn-warning btn-simple btn-link" @click="handleEdit(props.$index, props.row)"><i class="fa fa-edit"></i></a> <a v-tooltip.top-center="'Delete'" class="btn-danger btn-simple btn-link" @click="handleDelete(props.$index, props.row)"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a> </template> </el-table-column> </el-table> </div> </div> <div slot="footer" class="col-12 d-flex justify-content-center justify-content-sm-between flex-wrap"> <div class=""> <p class="card-category">Showing {{from + 1}} to {{to}} of {{total}} entries</p> </div> <l-pagination class="pagination-no-border" v-model="pagination.currentPage" :per-page="pagination.perPage" :total="pagination.total"> </l-pagination> </div> </card> </div> </div> </template> <script> import {Table, TableColumn, Select, Option} from 'element-ui' import LPagination from 'src/components/Pagination.vue' import Fuse from 'fuse.js' export default { components: { LPagination, [Table.name]: Table, [Select.name]: Select, [Option.name]: Option, [TableColumn.name]: TableColumn }, computed: { clientName(customer){ return customer.firstname + ' '+ customer.lastname }, pagedData () { return this.tableData.slice(this.from, this.to) }, /*** * Searches through table data and returns a paginated array. * Note that this should not be used for table with a lot of data as it might be slow! * Do the search and the pagination on the server and display the data retrieved from server instead. * @returns {computed.pagedData} */ queriedData () { let result = this.tableData if (this.searchQuery !== '') { result = this.fuseSearch.search(this.searchQuery) this.pagination.total = result.length } return result.slice(this.from, this.to) }, to () { let highBound = this.from + this.pagination.perPage if (this.total < highBound) { highBound = this.total } return highBound }, from () { return this.pagination.perPage * (this.pagination.currentPage - 1) }, total () { this.pagination.total = this.tableData.length return this.tableData.length } }, data () { return { pagination: { perPage: 5, currentPage: 1, perPageOptions: [5, 10, 25, 50], total: 0 }, searchQuery: '', propsToSearch: ['id_order'], tableColumns: [ { prop: 'id_order', label: 'ID', minWidth: 200 }, { prop: "clientName(customer)", label: 'Client', minWidth: 200, } ], fuseSearch: null, tableData:[] } }, methods: { handleLike (index, row) { alert(`Your want to like ${row.name}`) }, handleEdit (index, row) { alert(`Your want to edit ${row.name}`) }, handleDelete (index, row) { let indexToDelete = this.tableData.findIndex((tableRow) => tableRow.id === row.id) if (indexToDelete >= 0) { this.tableData.splice(indexToDelete, 1) } } }, mounted () { this.fuseSearch = new Fuse(this.tableData, {keys: ['id_order']}) }, created (){ this.$store.dispatch('ps_orders/get_ps_orders').then( this.tableData = this.$store.getters["ps_orders/orders"]) } } </script> <style> </style> 我的对象就像(一行) { "id_order": 4641, "customer": { "id_customer": 9008, "firstname": "Pierre", "lastname": "dupont" } } 在“客户”栏中我想要customer.firstname + " " + customer.lastname...但是我计算的“方法”不起作用(我猜这是完全错误的)。 答案是:你不能声明一个带有参数的计算,这里是解决方法 <el-table-column label="Client" > <template slot-scope="scope"> {{ clientName(scope.row.customer) }} </template> </el-table-column> 并且 computed: { clientName(){ return (customer) => customer.firstname + ' '+ customer.lastname }, 抱歉,但这是简单的方法 - 计算 clientName 返回函数,它没有意义。正确的方法是将 clientName 按原样放入方法中,这只是给初学者洗脑:) methods: { clientName(customer){ return customer.firstname + ' '+ customer.lastname }, }
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