在我的 Unity 游戏中,有门生成并朝向玩家。在每个门之后,游戏会变得更快,因此应根据游戏速度降低生成率。我试图降低每个产卵的产卵率,但它不起作用。
public void Start()
InvokeRepeating("SpawnPrefab", .5f, spawnRate);
public void SpawnPrefab()
int count = 0;
int index = Random.Range(0, 5);
int index2 = Random.Range(0, 5);
int index3 = Random.Range(0, 5);
int index4 = Random.Range(0, 5);
int index5 = Random.Range(0, 5);
int[] indexler = { index, index2, index3, index4, index5 };
for (int i = 0; i < indexler.Length; i++)
if(indexler[i] == 2 || indexler[i] == 3 || indexler[i] == 4){
if(count == 5)
indexler[Random.Range(0, 5)] = Random.Range(0,2);
Debug.Log("Count 5 OLDU");
Vector3 position5 = new Vector3(25f, 5f, zİlk);
Instantiate(prefabs[indexler[0]],position5 , prefabs[0].transform.rotation);
Vector3 position4 = new Vector3(15f, 5f, zİlk);
Instantiate(prefabs[indexler[1]], position4, prefabs[0].transform.rotation);
Vector3 position3 = new Vector3(5f, 5f, zİlk);
Instantiate(prefabs[indexler[2]], position3, prefabs[0].transform.rotation);
Vector3 position2 = new Vector3(-5f, 5f, zİlk);
Instantiate(prefabs[indexler[3]], position2, prefabs[0].transform.rotation);
Vector3 position1 = new Vector3(-15f, 5f, zİlk);
Instantiate(prefabs[indexler[4]], position1, prefabs[0].transform.rotation);
spawnRate -= spawnRate * 15 / 100;
我使用 Debug.Log 检查了 spawnrate 值:它发生了变化,但它不能在 Invokerepeating 中采用新值。我认为问题的原因是因为在 Start 函数中调用了 ınvokerepeating 函数,所以它的值永远不会改变。但我找不到任何解决方案。是否可以在更新函数中调用 ınvokerepeating ?
InvokeRepeating("SpawnPrefab", .5f, spawnRate);
const float DECREASE_FACTOR = 15f / 100f;
// Starts negative for initial delay
float timePassed = -0.5f;
private void Update ()
// track the passed time every frame
timePassed += Time.deltaTime;
// if it exceeds the spawn delay spawn
// this also works now if the spawnRate is decreased/increased at any point
if(timePassed >= spawnRate)
timePassed -= spawnRate;
private void SpawnPrefab()
spawnRate -= spawnRate * DECREASE_FACTOR;