python tkinter 显示 X 和 O 并交替使用它们

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import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk
from tkinter import font as tkFont

#defines the function to switch to the game screen
def play_game():

    #creates a top level window (appears above all other windows when pressed)
    game_window = tk.Toplevel(win)

    #sets the name of the new window to "Tic-Tac-Toe Game"
    game_window.title("Tic-Tac-Toe Game")

    #sets the size of the game window when opened to 600x600

    #doesn't allow the main game window to be resized
    game_window.resizable(False, False)

    #creates a canvas to draw lines
    canvas = tk.Canvas(game_window, width=600, height=600)

    #creates horizontal lines
    for i in range(1, 3):
        canvas.create_line(0, i * 200, 600, i * 200, fill="black")

    #creates vertical lines
    for i in range(1, 3):
        canvas.create_line(i * 200, 0, i * 200, 600, fill="black")

    global buttons[0][0]
    global buttons[0][1]
    buttons[0][0] = ttk.Button(game_window, text=" ", command=button_click, style='tmrn.TButton')
    buttons[0][1] = ttk.Button(game_window, text=" ", command=button_click, style='tmrn.TButton')

#creates a 3x3 grid of buttons
    buttons = [[None] * 3 for _ in range(3)] #creates a 3x3 grid of nothing so far
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            #calculates the coordinates for each button
            x1 = j * 200
            y1 = i * 200
            x2 = (j + 1) * 200
            y2 = (i + 1) * 200
            #creates a button at position (i, j)
            buttons[i][j] = ttk.Button(game_window, command=lambda row=i, col=j: button_click(row, col))
            buttons[i][j].place(x=x1, y=y1, width=200, height=200)

def button_click(row, col):
    print(f"Button clicked at row {row}, column {col}")


#make another function which refers to button click event - draw X in that square
#create a flag for X's turn or O's turn and changes when a button is clicked
#on button press display X or O
#defines what to do when a button is clicked

#defines the function to open the user guide
def open_user_guide():
    #creates a top level window (appears above all other windows when pressed)
    guide_window = tk.Toplevel(win)

    #sets the name of the new window to "Tic-Tac-Toe Game"
    guide_window.title("User Guide")

    #sets the size of the game window when opened to 600x700

    #doesn't allow the user guide window to be resized
    guide_window.resizable(False, False)

    #creates a frame to contain the labels
    frame = ttk.Frame(guide_window)
    frame.pack(expand=True, fill='both', padx=20, pady=20)

    #creates a new label with the text "How to play:" on the top of the window
    guide_label = ttk.Label(frame, text="User Guide", font=('Times New Roman', 20, 'bold'))
    guide_label.pack(pady=(0, 10), anchor='center')  #centres the label horizontally

    #creates a new text section 
    instructions_label = ttk.Label(frame, text="""
    Hi there! And welcome to my Tic Tac Toe game, made with tkinter.
    Here's how to play Tic-Tac-Toe! As you can see, the game is played on a grid that is 3 squares by 3 squares.

    1. The player that starts is X, and the other person is O. You and another player take turns placing X or O into a square.
    2. The first player to get all 3 marks in a row (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) wins the game.
    3. When all the squares are filled and no one has won, the game ends in a tie. AND THAT'S IT! Have fun playing!

    And press reset to play again!""",
    font=('Times New Roman', 12))

win = tk.Tk()

#sets window size to 1000 x 600

#sets background image to a tictac
bg = tk.PhotoImage(file = "tictac.png")

#shows image using a label
backgroundimage = tk.Label(win, image=bg) = 0, y = 0)

#sets minimum window resizable size to 500 x 300
win.minsize(500, 300)

#doesn't allow the launcher window to be resized
win.resizable(False, False)

#sets title name of window to Tic-Tac-Toe (name of game)

#integrates a new font into tkinter application
tmrn = tkFont.Font(family='Times New Roman', size=15, weight='bold')

#creates a custom style for buttons
style = ttk.Style()
style.configure('tmrn.TButton', font=('Times New Roman', 15, 'bold'), padding=(200, 10))  # Increase left and right padding to make the buttons longer

#creates a label with big black letters at the top of the window
title_label = ttk.Label(win, text="Tic-Tac-Toe Game!", font=('Times New Roman', 40, 'bold'), foreground='black')
title_label.pack(side=tk.TOP, pady=20)  # Add some padding at the top

#creates a button called 'Play' - takes the user to the actual playable game
play_button = ttk.Button(win, text="Play", command=play_game, style='tmrn.TButton'), rely=0.6, anchor=tk.CENTER)  #positions the button just below the center

#creates a button called 'User Guide' - supposed to take the user to another window with how to play
guide_button = ttk.Button(win, text="User Guide", command=open_user_guide, style='tmrn.TButton'), rely=0.7, anchor=tk.CENTER)  #positions the button just below the "Play" button with some padding


#add a restart button to reset the game

这是我到目前为止的代码,我试图弄清楚如何在单击 play_game 窗口中的按钮时显示 X 和 O。例如,对于左上角的按钮,如果首先按下“buttons[0][0]”,则应显示 X,而用户按下的下一个按钮应显示 O,依此类推,但如果用户按下已经点击了一个方块,X或O的值不能改变。现在我只想在单击按钮时显示一个 X,然后显示一个 O,但我遇到了很多错误。

我尝试添加 2 个按钮作为示例,左上角和顶部中间,显示空白,它给出了本地错误,所以我尝试定义它,但我收到了更多错误。

python tkinter game-development tic-tac-toe


global buttons[0][0]
global buttons[0][1]

buttons[0][0] = ttk.Button(game_window, text=" ", command=button_click, style='tmrn.TButton')
buttons[0][1] = ttk.Button(game_window, text=" ", command=button_click, style='tmrn.TButton')

因为您已经在 for 循环中执行此操作。无论如何,解决方案:


button_tile.configure(command=lambda row=i, col=j, btn=button_tile, parent=game_window: button_click(row, col, btn, parent))

我们还需要一个布尔值来跟踪转弯,还需要在 X/O 之间切换

o_Turn = not o_Turn

将布尔值变成 X 或 O:

Sign = '𝕏'
if o_Turn:
    Sign = '◯'


    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            x1 = i * 200
            y1 = j * 200
            button_tile = ttk.Button(game_window)
  , y=y1, width=200, height=200)
            button_tile.configure(command=lambda row=i, col=j, btn=button_tile, parent=game_window: button_click(row, col, btn, parent))

o_Turn = True
def button_click(row, col, button, parent):
   #print(f"Button clicked at row {row}, column {col}")
    global o_Turn
    Sign = '𝕏'
    if o_Turn:
        Sign = '◯'
    o_Turn = not o_Turn
    ttk.Label(parent, text=Sign, font=('Corbel', 50, tkFont.BOLD)).place(x=(row*200)+75, y=(col*200)+55)


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