我正在尝试使用 SciPy 优化来找到最小化两点之间悬挂绳索势能的函数,即悬链线问题。目标函数定义为
我尝试使用以下命令将其编程到 SciPy 中:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize
y0 = 1
# Example: Define the x domain and initial guess for y
x_vals = np.linspace(0, 10, 100) # x values from 1 to 10, 100 points
initial_y = np.ones_like(x_vals) # Initial guess for y(x)
def objective(y_vals):
# Number of points
n = len(x_vals)
# Reshape y_vals to be the correct shape for our problem
y = y_vals
# Calculate the finite differences for dy/dx
dy_dx = np.diff(y) / np.diff(x_vals)
# The objective function is the integral, which we approximate with the sum of the terms
integrand = y_vals[:-1] * np.sqrt(1 + dy_dx**2) # Use y[:-1] since dy_dx has one less point
# Discretize the integral: sum the contributions from each segment
integral = np.sum(integrand * (x_vals[1:] - x_vals[:-1]))
return integral
def arc(y_vals):
# Number of points
n = len(x_vals)
# Reshape y_vals to be the correct shape for our problem
y = y_vals
# Calculate the finite differences for dy/dx
dy_dx = np.diff(y) / np.diff(x_vals)
integrand = np.sqrt(1 + dy_dx**2)
integral = np.sum(integrand * (x_vals[1:] - x_vals[:-1]))
return integral
# Boundary conditions
def boundary_conditions(y_vals):
return [y_vals[0] - y0, y_vals[-1]-y0, arc(y_vals)-12] # set y0 at start and end and arc length
# Define the constraints for the optimization
constraints = [{'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda y: boundary_conditions(y)}]
# Minimize the objective function with the constraints
result = minimize(objective, initial_y, constraints=constraints)
# Output the optimized values of y and the minimized objective value
optimized_y = result.x
print("Optimized y values:", optimized_y)
print("Minimized objective value:", result.fun)
以下工作直至分辨率为 49:
import functools
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import minimize, NonlinearConstraint, Bounds
def unpack(x: np.ndarray, ymid: np.ndarray, yend: float) -> tuple[
np.ndarray, # y including endpoints
np.ndarray, # x discrete differential
np.ndarray, # discrete derivative
np.ndarray, # integrand
y = np.empty(shape=ymid.size + 2, dtype=ymid.dtype)
y[[0, -1]] = yend
y[1: -1] = ymid
dx = np.diff(x)
dy = np.diff(y)
dy_dx = dy/dx
integrand = np.sqrt(1 + dy_dx**2)
return y, dx, dy_dx, integrand
def potential_energy(ymid: np.ndarray, x: np.ndarray, yend: float) -> float:
y, dx, dy_dx, integrand = unpack(x, ymid, yend)
integrand *= y[:-1] # Use y[:-1] since dy_dx has one less point
return integrand.dot(dx)
def arc(ymid: np.ndarray, x: np.ndarray, yend: float) -> float:
y, dx, dy_dx, integrand = unpack(x, ymid, yend)
return integrand.dot(dx)
def solve(
width: float = 10.,
resolution: int = 101,
length: float = 12.,
) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
x = np.linspace(start=-0.5*width, stop=0.5*width, num=resolution)
# The lower bound height is seen where the rope is pulled to two line segments forming
# two right triangles; each has a hypotenuse of 0.5*length and a width of 0.5*width.
lower_bound = -0.5*np.sqrt(length**2 - width**2)
y0 = np.empty_like(x)
y0[:1+resolution//2] = x[:1+resolution//2]*(2*lower_bound/width) + lower_bound
y0[1+resolution//2:] = y0[resolution//2-1::-1]
y0 -= lower_bound # positive configuration
yend = -lower_bound
# yend = 0 # negative configuration
# Omit the endpoints: assume 0
y0 = y0[1: -1]
# Sanity check
assert np.isclose(
length, arc(y0, x, yend), atol=1e-14, rtol=0,
result = minimize(
fun=potential_energy, x0=y0, args=(x, yend),
lb=0, ub=yend, # positive configuration
# lb=lower_bound, ub=0, # negative configuration
fun=functools.partial(arc, x=x, yend=-lower_bound),
lb=length, ub=length,
options={'maxiter': 1_000},
if not result.success:
raise ValueError(result.message)
y, x_diff, dy_dx, integrand = unpack(x, result.x, yend)
return x, y
def main() -> None:
x, y = solve(resolution=49) # 101
plt.plot(x, y)
if __name__ == '__main__':