这是我为 50 套公寓设计的一个有趣的灭火系统的代码。这是 fire_detection_system.v:
module fire_detection_system (
input wire clk, // Clock signal
input wire reset, // Reset signal
input wire [49:0] smoke_detectors, // Smoke sensor signal
input wire [4:0] floor_buttons, // Buttons on each floor
input wire janitor_button, // Janitor button
output wire [49:0] sprinkler_activate // Sprinkler activation signal
reg [5:0] timer; // 6-bit timer for 60-second delay
reg [1:0] state; // State machine: 00 (idle), 01 (waiting), 10 (active)
assign sprinkler_activate = (state == 2'b10) ? smoke_detectors : 50'b0; // Activate sprinklers in active state
always @(posedge clk or posedge reset) begin
if (reset) begin
timer <= 0;
state <= 2'b00; // Initialize to idle state
end else begin
case (state)
2'b00: // Idle state
if (smoke_detectors != 50'b0) begin
state <= 2'b01; // Transition to waiting state
timer <= 60; // Set timer to 60 seconds
2'b01: // Waiting state
if (timer > 0) begin // Decrement timer
timer <= timer - 1;
end else begin
state <= 2'b10; // Transition to active state
2'b10: // Active state
if (floor_buttons != 5'b0 || janitor_button) begin
state <= 2'b00; // Reset to idle state on button press
这是我的 fire_detection_system_tb.v:
module fire_detection_system_tb;
// Inputs
reg clk;
reg reset;
reg [49:0] smoke_detectors;
reg [4:0] floor_buttons;
reg janitor_button;
// Outputs
wire [49:0] sprinkler_activate;
// Instantiate the fire detection system
fire_detection_system dut (
// Clock generation
always begin
#5 clk = ~clk;
initial begin
// Initialize inputs
clk = 0;
reset = 1;
smoke_detectors = 50'b0;
floor_buttons = 5'b0;
janitor_button = 0;
#10; // Wait for reset to settle
// Test cases
smoke_detectors = 50'b0;
floor_buttons = 5'b0;
janitor_button = 0;
#60; // Wait for timer to expire
smoke_detectors = 50'b1;
floor_buttons = 5'b0;
janitor_button = 0;
#60; // Wait for timer to expire and sprinklers to activate
smoke_detectors = 50'b1;
floor_buttons = 5'b1;
janitor_button = 0;
#1; // Wait for button press to be detected
smoke_detectors = 50'b0;
floor_buttons = 0;
janitor_button = 1;
#60; // Wait for timer to expire and sprinklers to deactivate
我想显示我在 modelsim 范围的初始框中使用的信号,但 modelsim 无法识别此文件中的任何波信号。并且文件已正确编译,没有错误。模拟布局