使用 3D 批量渲染器在另一个上进行 OpenGL 纹理渲染

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

所以,我当前的 OpenGL 渲染器似乎出于某种原因用纹理 A 绘制了纹理 B。我检查了 RenderDoc 中的插槽,它们似乎与 glBindTexture() 和 glActiveTexture() 正确绑定。我不太确定发生了什么事。我观察到,当完全不移动相机时,问题似乎就消失了。



package demo;

import org.joml.Matrix4f;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL46;
import rebel.graphics.*;

public class Test3D {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Window window = new Window(1000, 600, "");
        Renderer3D renderer3D = new Renderer3D(window.getWidth(), window.getHeight(), true);

        Texture2D a = new Texture2D("project/logo.png");
        Texture2D b = new Texture2D("project/texture.png");

        float rotX = 0f, rotY = 0f, rotZ = 0f;


            renderer3D.setOrigin(0, 0);
            renderer3D.drawTexture(0.5f / -2f, 0.5f / -2f, 0.5f, 0.5f, a, Color.RED);
            renderer3D.drawTexture((0.5f / -2f) + 0.5f, 0.5f / -2f, 1f, 1f, b, Color.BLUE);

            renderer3D.getCamera().getViewMatrix().rotate((float) Math.toRadians(rotX), 1, 0, 0);
            renderer3D.getCamera().getViewMatrix().rotate((float) Math.toRadians(rotY), 0, 1, 0);
            renderer3D.getCamera().getViewMatrix().translate(0, 0, 1f);

            rotX = 360 * -(window.getMouseY() / window.getHeight());
            rotY = 360 * (window.getMouseX() / window.getWidth());

            renderer3D.getCamera().getViewMatrix().set(new Matrix4f().identity());





还有 3D 渲染器:

package rebel.graphics;

import org.joml.*;
import org.lwjgl.BufferUtils;
import rebel.FileReader;

import java.lang.Math;
import java.nio.IntBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL46.*;

public class Renderer3D {
    private int width;
    private int height;
    private Matrix4f proj;
    private Camera camera;
    private Matrix4f translation;
    private VertexBuffer vertexBuffer;
    private float[] vertexData;
    private int maxTextureSlots;
    private ShaderProgram defaultShaderProgram, currentShaderProgram;
    private ArrayList<String> renderCallNames = new ArrayList<>(50);
    private boolean debug = false;
    private FastTextureLookup textureLookup;

    private static final float FOV = (float) Math.toRadians(60.0f);

    private static final float Z_NEAR = 0.01f;

    private static final float Z_FAR = 1000.f;

    public Renderer3D(int width, int height, boolean msaa) {
        this.width = width;
        this.height = height;


        float aspectRatio = (float) getWidth() / getHeight();
        proj = new Matrix4f().perspective(FOV, aspectRatio,
                Z_NEAR, Z_FAR);
        camera = new Camera();
        translation = new Matrix4f().identity();

        IntBuffer d = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(1);
        glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS, d);
        maxTextureSlots  = d.get();
        textureLookup = new FastTextureLookup(maxTextureSlots);

        defaultShaderProgram = new ShaderProgram(

        currentShaderProgram = defaultShaderProgram;


        VertexArray vertexArray = new VertexArray();

                new VertexAttribute(0, 3, false, "v_pos"),
                new VertexAttribute(1, 2, false, "v_uv"),
                new VertexAttribute(2, 1, false, "v_texindex"),
                new VertexAttribute(3, 4, false, "v_color"),
                new VertexAttribute(4, 1, false, "v_thickness")

        vertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer(1000, vertexArray.getStride());

        vertexData = new float[vertexBuffer.getNumOfVertices() * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()];

     * Sets the current shader. This shader must be compiled before calling this method!
     * @param shaderProgram
    public void setShader(ShaderProgram shaderProgram){

        if(currentShaderProgram != shaderProgram) {
            currentShaderProgram = shaderProgram;

    public void updateCamera2D(){
        currentShaderProgram.setMatrix4f("v_model", getTranslation());
        currentShaderProgram.setMatrix4f("v_view", getView());
        currentShaderProgram.setMatrix4f("v_projection", getProj());
        currentShaderProgram.setIntArray("u_textures", createTextureSlots());

    private int[] createTextureSlots() {
        int[] slots = new int[maxTextureSlots];
        for (int i = 0; i < maxTextureSlots; i++) {
            slots[i] = i;
        return slots;
    public VertexBuffer getVertexBuffer() {
        return vertexBuffer;
    public int getWidth() {
        return width;
    public int getHeight() {
        return height;
    public Matrix4f getProj() {
        return proj;
    public Camera getCamera() {
        return camera;
    public Matrix4f getView() {
        return camera.getViewMatrix();
    public Matrix4f getTranslation() {
        return translation;
    private int quadIndex;
    private int nextTextureSlot;
    private Matrix4f transform = new Matrix4f().identity();
    private float originX, originY;
    public Matrix4f getTransform() {
        return transform;
    public void setTransform(Matrix4f transform) {
        this.transform = transform;
    public void resetTransform(){
        setTransform(new Matrix4f().identity());
    public void drawTexture(float x, float y, float w, float h, Texture2D texture){
        drawTexture(x, y, w, h, texture, Color.WHITE);
    public void setOrigin(float x, float y){
        this.originX = x;
        this.originY = y;

    public void drawTexture(float x, float y, float w, float h, Texture2D texture, Color color){
        drawTexture(x, y, w, h, texture, color, new Rect2D(0, 0, 1, 1), false, false);
    public void drawTexture(float x, float y, float w, float h, Texture2D texture, Color color, Rect2D rect2D, boolean xFlip, boolean yFlip) {

        int slot = nextTextureSlot;
        boolean isUniqueTexture = false;

        //Existing texture
        if (textureLookup.hasTexture(texture)) {
            slot = textureLookup.getTexture(texture);

        //Unique Texture
        else {
            glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0 + slot);
            textureLookup.registerTexture(texture, slot);
            isUniqueTexture = true;

        drawQuadGL(x, y, w, h, slot, color, originX, originY, rect2D, -1, xFlip, yFlip);

        if(isUniqueTexture) nextTextureSlot++;

        if(nextTextureSlot == maxTextureSlots)
            render("Next Batch Render [No more rebel.engine.graphics.Texture slots out of " + maxTextureSlots + "]");


    public void drawQuadGL(float x, float y, float w, float h, int slot, Color color, float originX, float originY, Rect2D region, float thickness, boolean xFlip, boolean yFlip){
        //Translate back by origin (for rotation math)
        //This usually takes everything near (0, 0)

        Rect2D copy = new Rect2D(region.x, region.y, region.w, region.h);

            float temp = copy.x;
            copy.x = copy.w;
            copy.w = temp;

            float temp = copy.y;
            copy.y = copy.h;
            copy.h = temp;

        float z = -0.25f;

        Vector4f topLeft = new Vector4f(x - originX, y - originY, z, 1);
        Vector4f topRight = new Vector4f(x + w - originX, y - originY, z, 1);
        Vector4f bottomLeft = new Vector4f(x - originX, y + h - originY, z, 1);
        Vector4f bottomRight = new Vector4f(x + w - originX, y + h - originY, z, 1);


        //Translate forward by origin back to the current position
        topLeft.x += originX;
        topRight.x += originX;
        bottomLeft.x += originX;
        bottomRight.x += originX;

        topLeft.y += originY;
        topRight.y += originY;
        bottomLeft.y += originY;
        bottomRight.y += originY;

            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 0] = topLeft.x;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 1] = topLeft.y;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 2] = topLeft.z;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 3] = copy.x;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 4] = copy.y;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 5] = slot;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 6] = color.r;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 7] = color.g;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 8] = color.b;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 9] = color.a;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 10] = thickness;

            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 11] = bottomLeft.x;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 12] = bottomLeft.y;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 13] = bottomLeft.z;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 14] = copy.x;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 15] = copy.h;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 16] = slot;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 17] = color.r;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 18] = color.g;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 19] = color.b;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 20] = color.a;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 21] = thickness;

            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 22] = bottomRight.x;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 23] = bottomRight.y;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 24] = bottomRight.z;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 25] = copy.w;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 26] = copy.h;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 27] = slot;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 28] = color.r;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 29] = color.g;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 30] = color.b;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 31] = color.a;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 32] = thickness;

            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 33] = topRight.x;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 34] = topRight.y;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 35] = topRight.z;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 36] = copy.w;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 37] = copy.y;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 38] = slot;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 39] = color.r;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 40] = color.g;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 41] = color.b;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 42] = color.a;
            vertexData[(quadIndex * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()) + 43] = thickness;


        if(quadIndex == vertexBuffer.maxQuads()) render("Next Batch Render");
    public void render(){
        render("Final Draw Call [rebel.engine.graphics.Renderer2D.render()]");

            System.out.println("Renderer2D (" + this + ") - Debug");

            for(String call : getRenderCalls()){
                System.out.print("\t" + call + "\n");


    public void render(String renderName) {

        glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, getVertexBuffer().myVbo);

        glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, vertexData);

        int numOfIndices = quadIndex * 6;
        int[] indices = new int[numOfIndices];
        int offset = 0;

        for (int j = 0; j < numOfIndices; j += 6) {

            indices[j] =         offset;
            indices[j + 1] = 1 + offset;
            indices[j + 2] = 2 + offset;
            indices[j + 3] = 2 + offset;
            indices[j + 4] = 3 + offset;
            indices[j + 5] =     offset;

            offset += 4;

        glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, getVertexBuffer().myEbo);
        glBufferSubData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, indices);
        glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, indices.length, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 0);

        vertexData = new float[vertexBuffer.getNumOfVertices() * vertexBuffer.getVertexDataSize()];
        quadIndex = 0;
        nextTextureSlot = 0;

    public List<String> getRenderCalls(){
        return new ArrayList<>(renderCallNames);

    public void clear(Color color) {
        glClearColor(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);



#version 330 core
layout (location = 0) in vec3 v_pos;
layout (location = 1) in vec2 v_uv;
layout (location = 2) in float v_texindex;
layout (location = 3) in vec4 v_color;
layout (location = 4) in float v_thickness;

out vec2 f_uv;
out float f_texindex;
out vec4 f_color;
out vec2 f_origin;
out vec2 f_size;
out float f_thickness;

uniform mat4 v_model;
uniform mat4 v_view;
uniform mat4 v_projection;

void main() {

    f_texindex = v_texindex;
    f_uv = v_uv;
    f_color = v_color;
    f_thickness = v_thickness;

    gl_Position = v_projection * v_view * v_model * vec4(v_pos, 1.0);


#version 330 core
out vec4 FragColor;

in vec2 f_uv;

uniform sampler2D u_textures[32];
in float f_texindex;
in vec4 f_color;
in float f_thickness;
layout(origin_upper_left) in vec4 gl_FragCoord;

void main()

    int index = int(f_texindex);

    if(index == -1){
        FragColor = f_color;
    else if(index == -2){
        vec2 uv = f_uv * 2.0 - 1.0;

        float distance = length(uv);

        if(distance <= 1.0 && distance >= (1.0 - f_thickness))
        FragColor = f_color;

    else {

        if(index == 0) FragColor += texture(u_textures[0], f_uv) * f_color;
        if(index == 1) FragColor += texture(u_textures[1], f_uv) * f_color;
        if(index == 2) FragColor += texture(u_textures[2], f_uv) * f_color;
        if(index == 3) FragColor += texture(u_textures[3], f_uv) * f_color;
        if(index == 4) FragColor += texture(u_textures[4], f_uv) * f_color;
        if(index == 5) FragColor += texture(u_textures[5], f_uv) * f_color;
        if(index == 6) FragColor += texture(u_textures[6], f_uv) * f_color;
        if(index == 7) FragColor += texture(u_textures[7], f_uv) * f_color;
        if(index == 8) FragColor += texture(u_textures[8], f_uv) * f_color;
        if(index == 9) FragColor += texture(u_textures[9], f_uv) * f_color;
        if(index == 10) FragColor += texture(u_textures[10], f_uv) * f_color;
        if(index == 11) FragColor += texture(u_textures[11], f_uv) * f_color;
        if(index == 12) FragColor += texture(u_textures[12], f_uv) * f_color;
        if(index == 13) FragColor += texture(u_textures[13], f_uv) * f_color;
        if(index == 14) FragColor += texture(u_textures[14], f_uv) * f_color;
        if(index == 15) FragColor += texture(u_textures[15], f_uv) * f_color;
        if(index == 16) FragColor += texture(u_textures[16], f_uv) * f_color;
        if(index == 17) FragColor += texture(u_textures[17], f_uv) * f_color;
        if(index == 18) FragColor += texture(u_textures[18], f_uv) * f_color;
        if(index == 19) FragColor += texture(u_textures[19], f_uv) * f_color;
        if(index == 20) FragColor += texture(u_textures[20], f_uv) * f_color;
        if(index == 21) FragColor += texture(u_textures[21], f_uv) * f_color;
        if(index == 22) FragColor += texture(u_textures[22], f_uv) * f_color;
        if(index == 23) FragColor += texture(u_textures[23], f_uv) * f_color;
        if(index == 24) FragColor += texture(u_textures[24], f_uv) * f_color;
        if(index == 25) FragColor += texture(u_textures[25], f_uv) * f_color;
        if(index == 26) FragColor += texture(u_textures[26], f_uv) * f_color;
        if(index == 27) FragColor += texture(u_textures[27], f_uv) * f_color;
        if(index == 28) FragColor += texture(u_textures[28], f_uv) * f_color;
        if(index == 29) FragColor += texture(u_textures[29], f_uv) * f_color;
        if(index == 30) FragColor += texture(u_textures[30], f_uv) * f_color;
        if(index == 31) FragColor += texture(u_textures[31], f_uv) * f_color;


我期望它渲染纹理时不会出现任何瑕疵,主要是因为我从 2D 渲染器中继承了纹理批处理逻辑。我确信我错过了一些简单的事情。我使用的是 NVIDIA GeForce MX450 PCIe/SSE2。

glGetError() 没有报告任何错误,并且 LWJGL OpenGL 回调始终保持沉默。我已经使用 RenderDoc 验证了纹理已绑定到正确的插槽。

java opengl 3d lwjgl

虽然问题可能出在您的纹理加载中,但我认为它更有可能出现在您的片段着色器中。我认为将 FragColor 声明为

FragColor += texture(u_textures[_], f_uv) * f_color
会给你的程序带来许多不同的问题。我知道统一数组必须在 GLSL 中初始化。批处理时,还有另一种解决方案。着色器存储缓冲区对象 (SSBO)。 我建议阅读this

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