我正在为远程操作水下航行器(ROV)编写一个简单的模拟器。我想使用 scipy 实现四元数,而不是之前使用三角函数自行构建旋转矩阵的方法,如 Wikirotations 中所述。
我最初的问题(已解决):显然,我在某个地方感到困惑 - 下面的代码最初似乎可以工作,但经过几次变换后,不再围绕身体轴发生旋转。我还不完全明白发生了什么,但它看起来像是某种错误的积累。任何帮助解决这个问题的帮助将不胜感激。
我当前的问题:偏航旋转发生在全局 z 轴周围,但另外两个发生在车辆 x 和 y 轴周围。知道如何保持一致吗?
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib.widgets import Slider
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation
class RovTemp(object):
def __init__(self):
# Main part - rotation matrix around the the global coordinate system axes.
self.vehicleAxes = np.eye(3)
# Current roll, pitch, yaw
self.rotation_angles = np.zeros(3)
# Unit vectors along the vehicle x, y, z axes unpacked from the aggregate
# array for ease of use.
self.iHat, self.jHat, self.kHat = self.getCoordSystem()
def getCoordSystem(self):
# iHat, jHat, kHat
return self.vehicleAxes.T
def computeRollPitchYaw(self):
# Compute the global roll, pitch, and yaw angles
roll = np.arctan2(self.kHat[1], self.kHat[2])
pitch = np.arctan2(-self.kHat[0], np.sqrt(self.kHat[1]**2 + self.kHat[2]**2))
yaw = np.arctan2(self.jHat[0], self.iHat[0])
return np.array([roll, pitch, yaw])
def updateMovingCoordSystem(self, rotation_angles):
# Compute the change in the rotation angles compared to the previous time step.
# dRotAngles = rotation_angles - self.rotation_angles
# Store the current orientation.
self.rotation_angles = rotation_angles
# Create quaternion from rotation angles from (roll pitch yaw)
self.vehicleAxes = Rotation.from_euler('xyz', rotation_angles, degrees=False).as_matrix()
# Extract the new coordinate system vectors
self.iHat, self.jHat, self.kHat = self.getCoordSystem()
rov = RovTemp()
# Plot orientation.
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d')
plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.95, bottom=0.15)
lim = 0.5
ax.set_xlim((-lim, lim))
ax.set_ylim((-lim, lim))
ax.set_zlim((-lim, lim))
def plotCoordSystem(ax, iHat, jHat, kHat, x0=np.zeros(3), ds=0.45, ls="-"):
x1 = x0 + iHat*ds
x2 = x0 + jHat*ds
x3 = x0 + kHat*ds
lns = ax.plot([x0[0], x1[0]], [x0[1], x1[1]], [x0[2], x1[2]], "r", ls=ls, lw=2)
lns += ax.plot([x0[0], x2[0]], [x0[1], x2[1]], [x0[2], x2[2]], "g", ls=ls, lw=2)
lns += ax.plot([x0[0], x3[0]], [x0[1], x3[1]], [x0[2], x3[2]], "b", ls=ls, lw=2)
return lns
# Plot twice - one plot will be updated, the other one will stay as reference.
plotCoordSystem(ax, rov.iHat, rov.jHat, rov.kHat, ls="--")
lns = plotCoordSystem(ax, rov.iHat, rov.jHat, rov.kHat)
sldr_ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.15, 0.01, 0.7, 0.025])
sldr_ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.15, 0.05, 0.7, 0.025])
sldr_ax3 = fig.add_axes([0.15, 0.09, 0.7, 0.025])
sldrLim = 180
sldr1 = Slider(sldr_ax1, 'phi', -sldrLim, sldrLim, valinit=0, valfmt="%.1f deg")
sldr2 = Slider(sldr_ax2, 'theta', -sldrLim, sldrLim, valinit=0, valfmt="%.1f deg")
sldr3 = Slider(sldr_ax3, 'psi', -sldrLim, sldrLim, valinit=0, valfmt="%.1f deg")
def onChanged(val):
global rov, lns, ax
angles = np.array([sldr1.val, sldr2.val, sldr3.val])/180.*np.pi
for l in lns:
lns = plotCoordSystem(ax, rov.iHat, rov.jHat, rov.kHat)
"roll, pitch, yaw = " +", ".join(['{:.1f} deg'.format(v) for v in rov.computeRollPitchYaw()/np.pi*180.]))
return lns
# Create quaternion from rotation angles from (roll pitch yaw)
self.vehicleAxes = Rotation.from_euler('XYZ', rotation_angles, degrees=False).as_matrix()
# Extract the new coordinate system vectors
self.iHat, self.jHat, self.kHat = self.getCoordSystem()
def globalToVehicle(self, vecGlobal):
return np.array([
np.dot(vecGlobal, self.iHat),
np.dot(vecGlobal, self.jHat),
np.dot(vecGlobal, self.kHat)])
def vehicleToGlobal(self, vecVehicle):
return vecVehicle[0]*self.iHat
+ vecVehicle[1]*self.jHat + vecVehicle[2]*self.kHat