我正在尝试积分色谱峰。我需要能够对峰形状进行建模,以一致地确定峰的开始和结束时间。我可以对高斯峰值进行建模,但许多峰值是不对称的,如本示例数据所示,并且使用 Beta 分布进行建模会更好。我可以将高斯模型拟合到数据,但我似乎无法获得拟合峰值的 Beta 模型。我在这里做错了什么?我读过很多有类似问题的帖子,但没有一个展示如何在原始数据上绘制派生模型以显示拟合度。 例如:
Scipy - 如何使用 Python Scipy 曲线拟合来拟合此 beta 分布
如何在 scipy.stats 中正确绘制 beta 函数的 pdf
from scipy.stats import beta
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import peakutils
# raw data
yy = [128459, 1822448, 10216680, 24042041, 30715114, 29537797, 25022446, 18416199, 14138783, 12116635, 9596337, 7201602, 5668133, 4671416, 3920953, 3259980, 2756295, 2326780, 2095209, 1858894, 1646824, 1375129, 1300799, 1253879, 1086045, 968363, 932041, 793707, 741462, 741593]
xx = list(range(0,len(yy)))
fig = go.Figure()
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x = xx, y = yy, name = 'raw', mode = 'lines'))
# Gaussian model
gamp, gcen, gwid = peakutils.peak.gaussian_fit(xx, yy, center_only= False) # this calculates the Amplitude, Center & Width of a guassian peak
print(gamp, gcen, gwid)
gauss_model = [peakutils.peak.gaussian(x, gamp, gcen, gwid) for x in xx]
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x = xx, y = gauss_model, mode = 'lines', name = 'Gaussian'))
# Beta distribution model
aa, bb, loc, scale = beta.fit(dat)
print('beta fit:', beta_fit)
beta_model = beta.pdf(xx, aa, bb, loc, scale)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x = xx, y = beta_model, mode = 'lines', name = 'Beta'))
dat = np.repeat(xx, yy)
- xx
来拟合离散数据。 (不过,它看起来并不是最好的发行版选择。)
的直方图绘制 PDF(积分为 1)。它们的领域非常不同,因此不具有可比性。您需要将 PDF 乘以 np.sum(yy)
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
yy = [128459, 1822448, 10216680, 24042041, 30715114, 29537797, 25022446, 18416199, 14138783, 12116635, 9596337, 7201602, 5668133, 4671416, 3920953, 3259980, 2756295, 2326780, 2095209, 1858894, 1646824, 1375129, 1300799, 1253879, 1086045, 968363, 932041, 793707, 741462, 741593]
xx = list(range(0,len(yy)))
dat = np.repeat(xx, yy) # asssume this is how `dat` is defined
# estimate `loc` and `scale` manually
loc = np.min(xx) - 1
scale = (np.max(xx) + 1) - loc
# fit a subset of the data, guessing `loc` and `scale`
a, b, loc, scale = stats.beta.fit(dat[::1000], loc=loc, scale=scale)
# make bins to contain the observations nicely
bins = np.arange(np.min(xx)-0.5, np.max(xx)+0.5)
# plot _normalized_ histogram
plt.hist(dat, bins=bins, density=True)
# plot pdf
pdf = stats.beta(a, b, loc, scale).pdf(xx)
plt.plot(xx, pdf)