binary 相关问题



可以通过以下方式将二进制转换为十进制: var 二进制=“110”; var int = parseInt(binary, 2); document.getElementById("结果").innerHTML = int; 可以通过以下方式将二进制转换为十进制: var binary = "110"; var int = parseInt(binary, 2); document.getElementById("results").innerHTML = int; <div id="results"></div> 但是,我如何做相反的操作:将 int 转换为二进制? let decimal = prompt('please insert decimal number'); console.log(Number(decimal).toString(2)); Dec 到 Bin:原始(按位) /** * Dec to Bin * with bitwise operations * * Eudes Serpa M. **/ const numberToConvert = 5; const numberOfBits = 32; // 32-bits binary const arrBitwise = [0]; // save the resulting bitwise for (let i=0; i<numberOfBits; i++) { let mask = 1; const bit = numberToConvert & (mask << i); // And bitwise with left shift if(bit === 0) { arrBitwise[i] = 0; } else { arrBitwise[i] = 1; } } const binary = arrBitwise.reverse().join(""); console.log(`This is the resulting binary: ${binary}`) console.log(`This is the verification ${parseInt(binary, 2)}`); 说明: 第 2 行:我们指定组成生成的二进制文件的位数。 第 3 行:我们定义一个数组,用于保存位级操作产生的位。最后,这将是我们生成的二进制文件(反转它) For:用于“创建”二进制位。 掩码:表示我们在位级别移位到的数字(1 进行 AND 运算并获得要转换的数字 1 中的位)。 bit:执行运算的结果位,例如: 位数 = 3; 掩码= 1; for (i = 0 -> 31) { // 32 位 // Explanation of the operation to obtain the bit in position i // ---- For i = 0; 1. mask << 0 = ...0001 (a 1 in decimal), since it does not do any shifting. 2. 3 & 1 /* At the bit level we have to 3 = ...0011 1 = ...0001, so when doing the AND operation at the bit level, we have to: 0011 &0001 ------ 0001 === 1 decimal */ // bit then takes the value resulting from the previous operations. This is: bit = 1; // The if is not meet, so it enters the else: arrBitwise[0] = 1; // ---- For i = 1; 1. mask << 1 = ...0010 (a 2 in decimal) 2. 3 & 2 /* At the bit level we have to 3 = ...0011 2 = ...0010, so when doing the AND operation at the bit level, we have to: 0011 &0010 ------- 0010 === 2 decimal */ // bit then takes the value resulting from the previous operations. This is: bit = 2; // The if is not meet, so it enters the else: arrBitwise[1] = 1; // ----- For i = 2; 1. mask << 2 = ...0100 (a 4 in decimal) 2. 3. 4 /* At the bit level we have to 3 = ...0011 4 = ...0100, so when doing the AND operation at the bit level, we have to: 0011 &0100 ------- 0000 === 0 decimal */ // bit then takes the value resulting from the previous operations. This is: bit = 0; // The if meet, so: arrBitwise[2] = 0; } 因此,arrBitwise 将是: arr按位 = [1, 1, 0, 0, ..., 0]; arrBitwise.reverse() // [0, ..., 0, 0, 1, 1] 与.join() "0...0011" 用二进制表示3。 二进制和十进制都是具有不同基数的数字的字符串表示形式。 这就是为什么我们在从字符串获取数字时需要指定基数: binary = '10101' decimal = '21' Number.parseInt(binary, 2) === Number.parseInt(decimal, 10) // true 同样,当我们将数字转换为字符串时,我们可以(但不必)指定基数: n = 21 n.toString(2) // '10101' Radix 在这里是可选的,省略时等于 10: n = 21 n.toString() // '21' 请参阅 Number.prototype.toString() 了解更多详细信息。 您可以尝试使用无符号右移运算符。 >>> 0运算符对数字没有影响,但会给出二进制等价值。 您可以运行下面的代码片段(如果尝试使用-6,输出应为 11111111111111111111111111111010)。 //Here you can test it directly var number = -6; alert((number >>> 0).toString(2)); //Or you can do it with a function function dec2Bin(dec) { return (dec >>> 0).toString(2); } alert(dec2Bin(-6)); var x = 6; console.log(x.toString(2)); 代码在注释中有解释 const input = 18; const converted = deciToBinary(18, '') // function to convert decimal to binary const countOnes = countOne(converted); // function to count the occurence of 1s console.log(countOnes); function countOne(input) { const strlen = input.length; let count = 0; for (let i = 0; i < strlen; i++) { if (parseInt(input[i])) { count++ } } return count; } function deciToBinary(input, output) { const reminder = input % 2; // find the reminder const quotient = parseInt(input / 2); // find the quotient if (quotient > 1) { // if quotient is > 1 i.e not 0 or 1 output += reminder; // add the reminder to the string return deciToBinary(quotient, output); // using recursive function concept, recall the function } output += reminder; // add the reminder output += quotient; // add the quotient const binary = output.split('').reverse().join(''); // reverse the string return binary; }

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