Google Play是应用,书籍,电影,游戏和音乐的集成目标,可供Android设备上的用户和网络上的任何人访问。
appUpdateManager.startUpdateFlowForResult(appUpdateInfo, this, AppUpdateOptions.newBuilder(AppUpdateType.IMMEDIATE).build())
我遇到了这个错误,我在Google Play Console上上传了我的应用程序ABB文件
当我将应用程序ABB文件上传到Google Play Play Console时,我遇到了此错误 我尝试插入一个新的键...
from google_play_scraper import reviews, Sort import pandas as pd import time # List of countries to collect reviews from. # Note: Due to Google Play's regional limitations, some countries may not have available review data. countries = ['us', 'gb', 'ca', 'au', 'in', 'sg', 'nz', 'za', 'ie', 'pk'] # TikTok's Google Play package name app_id = 'com.zhiliaoapp.musically' all_reviews = [] for country in countries: try: print(f"Fetching reviews for TikTok in {country}...") # Fetch up to 100 reviews per country using the NEWEST sort order. country_reviews, _ = reviews( app_id, lang='en', country=country, sort=Sort.NEWEST, count=100 # Adjust the count as needed ) # Add the country code to each review entry for later identification. for r in country_reviews: r['country'] = country all_reviews.append(r) # Sleep briefly to avoid potential rate limits. time.sleep(1) except Exception as e: print(f"Error fetching reviews in {country}: {e}") # Convert the collected reviews to a DataFrame. df = pd.DataFrame(all_reviews) # Save the DataFrame to a CSV file. output_file = "tiktok_reviews.csv" df.to_csv(output_file, index=False) print(f"Reviews saved to {output_file}")
我尝试在PlayStore设置中在Play Store版本上点击7次,但每次我收到消息“ Google Play商店是最新的”消息。
GooglePlay Console // App Analyitcs Daily Active用户// opt-in
在Google Play游戏机中我找不到有关此主题的任何内容。
我无法将图像上传到Google Play商店,以便将我的应用程序投入生产中。 这些图像都无法上传,我检查了50次,大小很好,我尝试使用PNG,JPG,JPEG等。
在Heroku Backend上使用Google Play开发人员API购买验证期间 我正在使用Heroku后端在我的Android应用中验证购买订阅。测试订阅过程时,我始终收到与
Error during purchase verification: GaxiosError: The current user has insufficient permissions to perform the requested operation.