scripting 相关问题

脚本编写是一种编程形式,通常以低正式性,松散类型和不需要显式编译为特征。有许多脚本语言,它们用于各种场景 - 命令行应用程序,GUI,服务器端应用程序,扩展模块。

LUA5.4源包含在C ++构建器中不太正确10.1

I下载了LUA的最新版本,并将来自Embarcadero的C ++构建器的源包含在我的项目中。一切都很好。完美编译。 但是当我运行脚本时,那就是

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我需要在Windows上使用 *.bat脚本加入两个二进制文件。 我该如何实现?

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mget *.extension

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如何等待C程序完成BASH脚本readme file file

#!/bin/bash echo "C PROGRAM STARTED" make -f Makefile all pid = $! wait $pid echo "END OF PROGRAM" make -f Makefile clean

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在部署Azure Update Manager跨多个订阅范围时面对Error 我在部署Azure Update Manager跨多个订阅链接到维护配置的动态范围时面对多个异构体;使用以下脚本(删除个人详细信息)...

# Define a hashtable of subscriptions with their names as keys and IDs as values $subscriptions = @{ "subscription A" = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" "subscription B" = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" # Additional subscriptions...... } # Ensures you do not inherit an AzContext in your runbook Disable-AzContextAutosave -Scope Process # Authenticate with the sys-mi linked to this automation account az login --identity az account show # Install the maintenance azure clie extension without prompting for confirmation (now mentioned in the ADO pipeline) az extension add --name maintenance --allow-preview true --yes az extension show --name maintenance az config set extension.dynamic_install_allow_preview=true # Mapping between maintenance configurations and their dynamic scope tags $dynamic_scope_tag_to_mc = @{ mc_ne_dev_arc = @{ mc_config_id = "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/rg-mc-ne-aum/providers/Microsoft.Maintenance/maintenanceConfigurations/mc_ne_dev_arc" dynamic_scope_tag_value = "dev-arc" } mc_ne_stage_platform = @{ mc_config_id = "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/rg-mc-ne-aum/providers/Microsoft.Maintenance/maintenanceConfigurations/mc_ne_stage_platform" dynamic_scope_tag_value = "stage-platform" } # Additional maintenance configurations..... } # Iterate over each maintenance configuration and its dynamic scope tag foreach ($scope in $dynamic_scope_tag_to_mc.Keys) { # Get the maintenance configuration details $mc_config_id = $dynamic_scope_tag_to_mc[$scope]["mc_config_id"] $scope_tag_value = $dynamic_scope_tag_to_mc[$scope]["dynamic_scope_tag_value"] # Iterate over each subscriptions for this maintenance configuration foreach ($sub in $subscriptions.Keys) { $subscription_name = $sub $subscription_id = $subscriptions[$sub] Write-Output "Subscription name - $($subscription_name)" Write-Output "" Write-Output "Subscription - $($subscription_id)" Write-Output "" Write-Output "Applying dynamic scope tag '$($scope_tag_value)' to MC >>> $($mc_config_id)" Write-Output "" # Deploy the dynamic scope to the maintenance configuration for this subscription az maintenance assignment create-or-update-subscription ` --maintenance-configuration-id $mc_config_id ` --name "assignment-$($scope_tag_value)" ` --filter-os-types windows linux ` --filter-resource-types "Microsoft.Compute/VirtualMachines" "Microsoft.HybridCompute/machines" ` --filter-tags "{zimcanit-mc-config:[$($scope_tag_value)]}" ` --filter-tags-operator All ` --subscription $subscription_id } } az logout

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