layout(r32ui, binding = 0) uniform coherent volatile uimage3D Voxels;
layout(r32ui, binding = 1) uniform coherent volatile uimageBuffer positionBuffer;
void writeVoxels(ivec3 coord)
uint voxelVal = imageAtomicCompSwap(Voxels, coord, 0, 1);
if(voxelVal == 0)
int index = 3*int(atomicCounterIncrement(voxelCounter));
imageStore(positionBuffer, index+0, uvec4(coord.x));
imageStore(positionBuffer, index+1, uvec4(coord.y));
imageStore(positionBuffer, index+2, uvec4(coord.z));
但是,在多个线程写入同一体素位置的情况下,如何确保所有线程获得适当的索引?如上所示,正确的索引仅对 1 个线程有效。
#extension GL_NV_shader_atomic_float : require
layout(r32ui, binding = 0) uniform coherent volatile uimage3D Voxels;
layout(r32ui, binding = 1) uniform coherent volatile uimageBuffer positionBuffer;
layout(r32f, binding = 2) uniform coherent volatile imageBuffer colorBuffer;
void writeVoxels(ivec3 coord, vec3 color)
uint voxelVal = imageAtomicAdd(Voxels, coord, 1);
int index;
if(voxelVal == 0) //This ensure that only 1 thread performs the
{ //atomicCounterIncrement
index = 3*int(atomicCounterIncrement(voxelCounter));
imageStore(positionBuffer, index+0, uvec4(coord.x));
imageStore(positionBuffer, index+1, uvec4(coord.y));
imageStore(positionBuffer, index+2, uvec4(coord.z));
//Need index to be valid here
imageAtomicAdd(colorBuffer, index+0, color.x);
imageAtomicAdd(colorBuffer, index+1, color.y);
imageAtomicAdd(colorBuffer, index+2, color.z);
为了管理(体素片段)列表,我们将下一个可用条目的索引(也是列表中体素片段数量的计数器)作为单个 32 位值存储在另一个缓冲区对象中。这听起来像是只是描述原子计数器的缓冲区对象。为了让事情保持简单(目前),我没有计算运行平均值(如论文中所述),只是在渲染时将颜色相加并除以访问计数。
const uint VOXEL_FRAGMENT_SIZE = 3;
layout(r32ui, binding = 0) uniform coherent volatile writeonly uimageBuffer voxelFragmentBuffer;
layout(binding=0, offset=0) uniform atomic_uint voxelIndexCounter;
// ...
int voxelIndex = int(atomicCounterIncrement( voxelIndexCounter ))* VOXEL_FRAGMENT_SIZE;
imageStore( voxelFragmentBuffer, voxelIndex+0, uvec4( convIVec3ToR32UI( voxelPosition ) ) );
imageStore( voxelFragmentBuffer, voxelIndex+1, uvec4( convVec4ToRGBA8( vec4( normal*127, 2.0 ) ) ) );
imageStore( voxelFragmentBuffer, voxelIndex+2, uvec4( convVec4ToRGBA8( color*255 ) ) );