websocket 相关问题



Ihava spring project(以下简称为root.war),我想对Websocket(以下称为mro.war)产生函数。 Mro.War具有Java,JSP,JS,CSS代码。 现在我部署了...

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首先需要将用户连接到VPN,然后通过Okta SSO层连接,然后可以访问该应用程序。

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我在node.js中的自定义Websocket服务器上工作,而我的客户端断开了错误的连接; “写Econnreset” 我尝试搜索错误,但是我发现的所有解释和线程都含糊不清。如果我知道错误的含义,我敢肯定我将能够修复它,但是我找不到任何解释。

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我目前正在最终确定我的reactjs -fastapi Web应用程序中的付款系统,我正在面临问题。


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如何连接到binance wsapi

using CancellationTokenSource tcs = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)); await _socket.ConnectAsync(BaseUri, tcs.Token).ConfigureAwait(false);

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WebSocket流在Django + Next.js中不起作用 - 仅获取第一和最终消息

I'M与Django(频道)构建AI聊天应用程序,用于后端和前端。目的是通过Websocket连接流出AI生成的响应块 - 类似于...

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Proposed Approach: Local Database as SSOT: The UI always reads data from the local database (e.g., using Flow from Room DAO). Online Mode: User actions update the local database first and asynchronously make an API call to update the server. During a conflict, the server applies a resolution strategy (e.g., Last Write Wins, Operational Transformation) and sends the updated data. WebSockets push real-time updates, ensuring the local database (and therefore the UI) stays in sync. Offline Mode: Changes are stored in the local database as well as in a another Sync DB table (to track pending actions). A background worker (e.g., WorkManager) syncs pending changes from Sync DB table once the network is available. Advantages I See: ✔ Consistent UI state since data always comes from the local database. ✔ Seamless offline support without handling different flows for online/offline. ✔ Reduced API load, as only necessary sync operations can be performed in batch. ✔ Backend handles conflict resolution, avoiding UI inconsistencies. Potential Concerns: ❌ Latency in reflecting real-time updates since WebSocket changes must go through the local database first.

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